Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
Europe's horsemeat scandal has focused the spotlight on Romania and its network of 35 plants authorized to butcher horses. France says Romanian butchers were part of a supply chain that resulted in horsemeat being labeled as beef in frozen meals across Europe. The Romanians have bristled and say the meat was properly declared when it left the country. Yet beaten, malnourished and unkempt as they are, horses have remained an intrinsic part of agricultural society, plowing the fields, cantering on country roads and, until recently, trotting side by side with cars.
In pop culture, Romania is always equated with Count Dracula, Bran Castle and Transylvania. These assumptions are wrong. Vlad Tepes is widely regarded as the person on whom the Dracula character is based. Known as Vlad the Impaler, there is no disputing this was one nasty individual, but he wasn't a vampire. On top of this, Vlad the man never resided in Bran Castle, a real castle and the home of the fictional Dracula. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there was a person arguably worse than Dracula or Vlad in Romania 's history.
On the way back to the train station we stopped along the boardwalk and took some beautiful photos of an inlet, and a sandbar. Though the beach was rocky there was some sand further inland and under a bridge we walked over. Unsure of what to do we ended up taking a half hour cab ride to Monaco for a few hours, but though surreal and gorgeous there wasn't really anything affordable to do. The castle was beautiful and a race was happening at the famous speedway, but after walking along the pier for a bit we decided to go back to Ventimiglia.
Romanians are also a people known for their hospitality. They feel that the standard of living has improved dramatically in the last 17 years. As far as their work habits are concerned, they have their own style and pace of doing work. This might appear to be a bit slow, at least to other people like French, say. What is nice about living in Romania is that Romanians are not workaholics, nor do they always go strictly by the rules. Unlike the Germans, they do not always know what they are going to do next. They are quite ambitious in their outlook, but do not really swear by discipline.
miercuri, 11 decembrie 2013
duminică, 8 decembrie 2013
Afilierea In Romania 2013. Cine Si Cum Castiga Bani Prin Afiliere – Infografic
De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.
Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart
It has been writen that the mass SMS trend in Romania got even more popular at the end of 2005, when about 81 million SMS-es were sent through the 2 most popular mobile phone operators, Connex-Vodafone and Orange. This brought them earnings of about EUR 5 million. What's even more interesting is that there are people who really appreciate those messages. As a friend told me these days, "that guy didn't even sent me a Happy New Year message". What, would you have wanted him to send you the same standard message that he will send to 10 other girls?
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
I literally stumbled upon Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy in the Italian Riviera while on my way to Nice, France. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me the French trains were on strike. The very last train stop in Italy before France is Ventimiglia. At first with my limited Italian I thought the train conductor was saying something about twenty million something rather. Then a man from the Netherlands who spoke perfect English explained to my friend and I that Ventimiglia was the name of the town the train ride was going to end at. From there we were on our own. Flabbergasted we didn't know what to do.
They even state that “Romania’s overall track record under the programme continues to be strong.” I almost choked when I read that bit, but maybe it is a typo, and they are talking anout another country, since it is hard to see how the observation applies to Romania. Curiously, while the report mentions the fact that "weather related disruptions weakened performance in the first quarter", I couldn't find a reference to the fact that the country is back in recession - rather than experiencing fragile growth - in the entire document.
El a mai aratat ca acordul prevede continuarea cresterii venitului minim garantat in 2014 si introducerea unei alocatii pentru incalzirea de locuinte pentru categoriile defavorizate.In ceea ce priveste programul de privatizari, seful Executivului a subliniat ca nu exista privatizari majoritare."Este vorba despre listarea a 10% din Nuclearelectrica, 15% din Romgaz, 15% din Compania Energetica Oltenia si 10% din Hidroelectrica. E vorba de implicarea capitalului privat in companiile energetice la care statul ramane actionar, dar prin acest capital privat putem sa avem si un management mai performant si resurse pentru investitii in retehnologizare", a detaliat Ponta.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Walking back down the rocky beach there was some sort of dance festival going on. It reminded me of times when my own dance school had danced at the capitol or different town greens. I made my friend watch for a while. We got hungry so we ventured down to the park again that was covered with palm trees and green grass. We sat on a bench, talked, and ate. The sun peaked through the trees and we were able to capture some amazing photos. There were some gorgeous buildings with balconies nearby. It was interesting to watch.
Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart
It has been writen that the mass SMS trend in Romania got even more popular at the end of 2005, when about 81 million SMS-es were sent through the 2 most popular mobile phone operators, Connex-Vodafone and Orange. This brought them earnings of about EUR 5 million. What's even more interesting is that there are people who really appreciate those messages. As a friend told me these days, "that guy didn't even sent me a Happy New Year message". What, would you have wanted him to send you the same standard message that he will send to 10 other girls?
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
I literally stumbled upon Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy in the Italian Riviera while on my way to Nice, France. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me the French trains were on strike. The very last train stop in Italy before France is Ventimiglia. At first with my limited Italian I thought the train conductor was saying something about twenty million something rather. Then a man from the Netherlands who spoke perfect English explained to my friend and I that Ventimiglia was the name of the town the train ride was going to end at. From there we were on our own. Flabbergasted we didn't know what to do.
They even state that “Romania’s overall track record under the programme continues to be strong.” I almost choked when I read that bit, but maybe it is a typo, and they are talking anout another country, since it is hard to see how the observation applies to Romania. Curiously, while the report mentions the fact that "weather related disruptions weakened performance in the first quarter", I couldn't find a reference to the fact that the country is back in recession - rather than experiencing fragile growth - in the entire document.
El a mai aratat ca acordul prevede continuarea cresterii venitului minim garantat in 2014 si introducerea unei alocatii pentru incalzirea de locuinte pentru categoriile defavorizate.In ceea ce priveste programul de privatizari, seful Executivului a subliniat ca nu exista privatizari majoritare."Este vorba despre listarea a 10% din Nuclearelectrica, 15% din Romgaz, 15% din Compania Energetica Oltenia si 10% din Hidroelectrica. E vorba de implicarea capitalului privat in companiile energetice la care statul ramane actionar, dar prin acest capital privat putem sa avem si un management mai performant si resurse pentru investitii in retehnologizare", a detaliat Ponta.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Walking back down the rocky beach there was some sort of dance festival going on. It reminded me of times when my own dance school had danced at the capitol or different town greens. I made my friend watch for a while. We got hungry so we ventured down to the park again that was covered with palm trees and green grass. We sat on a bench, talked, and ate. The sun peaked through the trees and we were able to capture some amazing photos. There were some gorgeous buildings with balconies nearby. It was interesting to watch.
vineri, 6 decembrie 2013
Cum Se Castiga Licitatiile In Romania
Romania is a beautiful little country in Eastern Europe in the Balkan region. While living and working there over the years, I have eaten and enjoyed many delicious meals. Meal time in Romania is a very special time. Family and friends come together and may linger long after a meal is over in deep conversation. When visiting homes anywhere in Romania the people are friendly and warm and always there is an invitation to share their food. Cifrele sunt anuntate in premiera in newsletter-ul Social Media + Events si apoi pe acest blog. Sper sa le gasiti in continuare utile.
Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
Consiliul Național al Audiovizualului a decis în ședința de joi să trimită România TV scrisoare de atenționare prin care-i cere să respecte decizia instanței de a suspenda folosirea mărcii la RTV, deținută de Realitatea Media În plus, consiliul a considerat că una dintre cele două variante de sigle folosite de post induce în eroare, după cum a relatat AICI Primul studiu dedicat pietei locale de afiliere derulat de 2Parale, care include raspunsurile a 851 de afiliati romani, informatiile fiind colectate exclusiv online prin intermediul unui chestionar, in perioada 29 martie-28 aprilie 2013.
Most of the people consider that living in Romania is difficult, because this is a country, whose people suffered a lot, especially during the communism, and now they try hard to catch up with the other developed countries of the world. However, nowadays living in Romania seems to be easier than in the past. Family is very important for them, though and there still are traditional families in which meal times can be respected, especially in the case of families, which set up home businesses. The country is seven hours ahead of the U.S.The climate is temperate and has four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold!
Different breads are very popular in Romanian culture and there are many interesting varieties. Cooked cornmeal (mamaliga) is traditional in all of Eastern Europe and is considered the poor man's dish and is a Romanian specialty. It is used with meat or cheese and is called polenta in Italy. It is cooked so long to be thickened and when done can be sliced like bread. Cheeses of all kinds are very popular with the Romanian people. The generic name for cheese in Romania is branza. Most of the cheese is made from cow or sheep milk.
Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu
Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
Consiliul Național al Audiovizualului a decis în ședința de joi să trimită România TV scrisoare de atenționare prin care-i cere să respecte decizia instanței de a suspenda folosirea mărcii la RTV, deținută de Realitatea Media În plus, consiliul a considerat că una dintre cele două variante de sigle folosite de post induce în eroare, după cum a relatat AICI Primul studiu dedicat pietei locale de afiliere derulat de 2Parale, care include raspunsurile a 851 de afiliati romani, informatiile fiind colectate exclusiv online prin intermediul unui chestionar, in perioada 29 martie-28 aprilie 2013.
Most of the people consider that living in Romania is difficult, because this is a country, whose people suffered a lot, especially during the communism, and now they try hard to catch up with the other developed countries of the world. However, nowadays living in Romania seems to be easier than in the past. Family is very important for them, though and there still are traditional families in which meal times can be respected, especially in the case of families, which set up home businesses. The country is seven hours ahead of the U.S.The climate is temperate and has four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold!
Different breads are very popular in Romanian culture and there are many interesting varieties. Cooked cornmeal (mamaliga) is traditional in all of Eastern Europe and is considered the poor man's dish and is a Romanian specialty. It is used with meat or cheese and is called polenta in Italy. It is cooked so long to be thickened and when done can be sliced like bread. Cheeses of all kinds are very popular with the Romanian people. The generic name for cheese in Romania is branza. Most of the cheese is made from cow or sheep milk.
Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu
joi, 5 decembrie 2013
Ovidius University Medical School Of Constanta Romania
Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
Now, I am getting sooo fed-up with receiving spam / mass SMS-es on Christmas, New Years Eve and other holidays. The thing which, to me, is most annoying is the lack of personalization in the messages. I know people who sent to half of their contacts list the same standard message. Come on, those people receive so many messages that they can't even keep track of who sent and who didn't. A very dear friend, a very good professional and really a nice person to have around in numerous ocassions. Yes, iBlog is back and the new posts are really interesting.
Agentia ARNIEC/RoEduNet (Agenția de Administrare a Rețelei Naționale de Informatica pentru Educație și Cercetare), aflata in subordinea Ministerului Educației Naționale, administreaza și dezvolta rețeaua RoEduNet care asigura servicii de comunicații de date pentru instituțiile de cercetare și academice de toate gradele din Romania. Agenția ARNIEC este membru al consorțiului european GEANT, rețeaua care interconecteaza toate rețelele pentru educație și cercetare din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene. For a culture-high, this city is a must-visit as well. Here, you will surely enjoy the sights of the Sighisoara Citadel. You can also visit its Weapon Museum, which houses a lot of medieval weaponry.
L-am văzut de două ori și de fiecare dată mi-a fost foarte ușor să îl subevaluez. Cred că s-a întâmplat asta pentru că povestea filmului pare a fi guvernată de clișeele în care se învârt multe dintre filmele gay comerciale și chiar didactice. Shelter însă e diferit, iar un semn care îmi spune asta este că a reușit să rămână cu mine împotriva reproșurilor pe care i le-am avut de făcut, pe care între timp le-am și înlăturat. Shelter se simte real și verificat ( cum am făcut eu) este chiar foarte palpabil Mai este și un film micuț, nepretențios și parcă și un pic inițiatic.
E totuși luptă dezechilibrată. In fiecareduminică douăzeci de mii de oameni se strâng și luptă împotriva unei armateuriașe de propagandă. Douăzeci de mii de oameni încearcă să echilibreze balanțaadevărului luptând cu televiziuni, ziare, radiouri, situri de știri, postaciplătiți, partide politice și parlamentari. Trebuie să recunoașteți că e un acteroic. Douăzeci de mii de oameni organizati pe facebook lupta cu sute de“jurnalisti” ai unei campanii de zeci de milioane de euro. Aceast dezechilibruîntre tabere este unul din motivele pentru care mă aflu în stradă. Și cred căpe măsură ce lumea se va convinge de mascarada presei numărul celor din Piațăva crește.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
Now, I am getting sooo fed-up with receiving spam / mass SMS-es on Christmas, New Years Eve and other holidays. The thing which, to me, is most annoying is the lack of personalization in the messages. I know people who sent to half of their contacts list the same standard message. Come on, those people receive so many messages that they can't even keep track of who sent and who didn't. A very dear friend, a very good professional and really a nice person to have around in numerous ocassions. Yes, iBlog is back and the new posts are really interesting.
Agentia ARNIEC/RoEduNet (Agenția de Administrare a Rețelei Naționale de Informatica pentru Educație și Cercetare), aflata in subordinea Ministerului Educației Naționale, administreaza și dezvolta rețeaua RoEduNet care asigura servicii de comunicații de date pentru instituțiile de cercetare și academice de toate gradele din Romania. Agenția ARNIEC este membru al consorțiului european GEANT, rețeaua care interconecteaza toate rețelele pentru educație și cercetare din statele membre ale Uniunii Europene. For a culture-high, this city is a must-visit as well. Here, you will surely enjoy the sights of the Sighisoara Citadel. You can also visit its Weapon Museum, which houses a lot of medieval weaponry.
L-am văzut de două ori și de fiecare dată mi-a fost foarte ușor să îl subevaluez. Cred că s-a întâmplat asta pentru că povestea filmului pare a fi guvernată de clișeele în care se învârt multe dintre filmele gay comerciale și chiar didactice. Shelter însă e diferit, iar un semn care îmi spune asta este că a reușit să rămână cu mine împotriva reproșurilor pe care i le-am avut de făcut, pe care între timp le-am și înlăturat. Shelter se simte real și verificat ( cum am făcut eu) este chiar foarte palpabil Mai este și un film micuț, nepretențios și parcă și un pic inițiatic.
E totuși luptă dezechilibrată. In fiecareduminică douăzeci de mii de oameni se strâng și luptă împotriva unei armateuriașe de propagandă. Douăzeci de mii de oameni încearcă să echilibreze balanțaadevărului luptând cu televiziuni, ziare, radiouri, situri de știri, postaciplătiți, partide politice și parlamentari. Trebuie să recunoașteți că e un acteroic. Douăzeci de mii de oameni organizati pe facebook lupta cu sute de“jurnalisti” ai unei campanii de zeci de milioane de euro. Aceast dezechilibruîntre tabere este unul din motivele pentru care mă aflu în stradă. Și cred căpe măsură ce lumea se va convinge de mascarada presei numărul celor din Piațăva crește.
miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013
Pe Cand Un Partid Ecologist Puternic In Romania?
Other than having a tremendously beautiful voice, she is stunning in appearance and abundantly talented on the piano as well. As a classically trained musician, I was blown away by her performances, and it was a breath of fresh air to learn that she was not just another pop star who didn't know how to write her own music or play her own instrument. Lucia Maria Popescu is a tremendously talented musician and singer who absolutely blew me away. Here is a look at three pieces that prove the depth and breadth of Popescu's talent.
Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.
Romania a ales sa fie anul acesta gazda celor doua evenimente, in contextul dezvoltarii din ultimii ani a relațiilor de cooperare intre instituțiile de profil din țara și cele existente deja la nivel european. Este prima data cand Romania pașește in fața, asumandu-și rolul de gazda și de partener de incredere al partenerilor europeni mai ales in contextul in care numarul atacurilor informatice in care au fost implicate entitați din Romania a crescut in ultimii ani”, a declarat Manuel Șubredu, coordonator al RoCSIRT, serviciul de tip CERT al Agenției ARNIEC / RoEduNet, co-organizator al evenimentelor.
That changed when brave Romanians, first in the western city of Timisoara and then in the capital of Bucharest, defied the regime's tanks and guns and poured into the streets to demand their freedom. (I describe these events in detail in my novel "Romance Language.") After trying in vain to rally the masses while simultaneously ordering the army to crush the revolt using all necessary force, the Ceausescus fled Bucharest by helicopter on December 22. Their first stop was the presidential retreat of Snagov not far from the capital where Ceausecu apparently made several phone calls, trying to assess his options.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
The Place of Culture can be found in Lasi City, which is also another tourist destination if you want to know more about the culture and history of Romania There are also several churches like the Trei Lerarhi Church as well as the Metropolitan Church. You can also take a relaxing stroll or a nice rest in the city's Botanical Garden. Horse exports have been growing, up about 10 percent from 2011 to 2012, with about 6,300 tons of horse, mule and donkey meat exported. Many of the horses were sold by private owners.
Romania are un potential urias in descoperirea de noi zacaminte de petrol, gaze, precum si aur, cupru si alte resurse minerale de mare valoare. Estimarea vine din partea reprezentantilor grupului de firme Tender, care efectueaza prospectiuni la mii de metri adancime. Infodesign Group, unic importator si distribuitor al solutiilor F-Secure si EVault in Romania si Bulgaria, a organizat pe data de 19 septembrie la Hotel Howard Johnson conferinta de lansare a companiei EVault in Romania. Avem legatura permanenta cu clientii nostri prin intermediul unei retele de agentii de turism formata din 20 de agentii touroperatoare si detailiste
Romanians are also a people known for their hospitality. They feel that the standard of living has improved dramatically in the last 17 years. As far as their work habits are concerned, they have their own style and pace of doing work. This might appear to be a bit slow, at least to other people like French, say. What is nice about living in Romania is that Romanians are not workaholics, nor do they always go strictly by the rules. Unlike the Germans, they do not always know what they are going to do next. They are quite ambitious in their outlook, but do not really swear by discipline.
Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.
Romania a ales sa fie anul acesta gazda celor doua evenimente, in contextul dezvoltarii din ultimii ani a relațiilor de cooperare intre instituțiile de profil din țara și cele existente deja la nivel european. Este prima data cand Romania pașește in fața, asumandu-și rolul de gazda și de partener de incredere al partenerilor europeni mai ales in contextul in care numarul atacurilor informatice in care au fost implicate entitați din Romania a crescut in ultimii ani”, a declarat Manuel Șubredu, coordonator al RoCSIRT, serviciul de tip CERT al Agenției ARNIEC / RoEduNet, co-organizator al evenimentelor.
That changed when brave Romanians, first in the western city of Timisoara and then in the capital of Bucharest, defied the regime's tanks and guns and poured into the streets to demand their freedom. (I describe these events in detail in my novel "Romance Language.") After trying in vain to rally the masses while simultaneously ordering the army to crush the revolt using all necessary force, the Ceausescus fled Bucharest by helicopter on December 22. Their first stop was the presidential retreat of Snagov not far from the capital where Ceausecu apparently made several phone calls, trying to assess his options.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
The Place of Culture can be found in Lasi City, which is also another tourist destination if you want to know more about the culture and history of Romania There are also several churches like the Trei Lerarhi Church as well as the Metropolitan Church. You can also take a relaxing stroll or a nice rest in the city's Botanical Garden. Horse exports have been growing, up about 10 percent from 2011 to 2012, with about 6,300 tons of horse, mule and donkey meat exported. Many of the horses were sold by private owners.
Romania are un potential urias in descoperirea de noi zacaminte de petrol, gaze, precum si aur, cupru si alte resurse minerale de mare valoare. Estimarea vine din partea reprezentantilor grupului de firme Tender, care efectueaza prospectiuni la mii de metri adancime. Infodesign Group, unic importator si distribuitor al solutiilor F-Secure si EVault in Romania si Bulgaria, a organizat pe data de 19 septembrie la Hotel Howard Johnson conferinta de lansare a companiei EVault in Romania. Avem legatura permanenta cu clientii nostri prin intermediul unei retele de agentii de turism formata din 20 de agentii touroperatoare si detailiste
Romanians are also a people known for their hospitality. They feel that the standard of living has improved dramatically in the last 17 years. As far as their work habits are concerned, they have their own style and pace of doing work. This might appear to be a bit slow, at least to other people like French, say. What is nice about living in Romania is that Romanians are not workaholics, nor do they always go strictly by the rules. Unlike the Germans, they do not always know what they are going to do next. They are quite ambitious in their outlook, but do not really swear by discipline.
luni, 2 decembrie 2013
Nu Ati Avut Niciodata Prieteni, Doar Vecini Care Au Vrut Sa Va Foloseasca
Este posibil ca disponibilitatea sa fie, inca de la inceput, in aproape toata tara, chiar si in zonele rurale. Mai precis, sunt 150 de locatilitati in care noul internet va fi disponibil. Preturile nu sunt deloc mari, va puteti abona la 500 Mbps pentru 49 RON si la 1 Gbps pentru 59 RON, TVA inclus. Daca sunteti abonati atat la TV cat si la telefonie costul abonamentului de 1 Gbps este de 49 RON. Upload-ul este de 100 Mbps la ambele abonamente. Daca e vara e MARE , daca e iarna e MUNTE ! Dar daca e VACANTA , e SIND ROMANIA !
On the way back to the train station we stopped along the boardwalk and took some beautiful photos of an inlet, and a sandbar. Though the beach was rocky there was some sand further inland and under a bridge we walked over. Unsure of what to do we ended up taking a half hour cab ride to Monaco for a few hours, but though surreal and gorgeous there wasn't really anything affordable to do. The castle was beautiful and a race was happening at the famous speedway, but after walking along the pier for a bit we decided to go back to Ventimiglia.
Infineon is also working with the University Politehnica of Bucharest to develop master-level programs, as they are planning for about 60 additional developers to be hired in Bucharest during the course of this year. Still, BCP's interest in Romania does not look towards the comming Romania savings bank, CEC. BCP's chairman quoted it as being "out of the question". In my opinion, one of the reasons for BCP's interest in Romania might be the powerfully emerging real-estate market, as BCP is comming with a very good experience from the Portugese market.
Conducerea Fondului Monetar International a aprobat, vineri, scrisoarea de intentie transmisa de autoritatile de la Bucuresti in vederea incheierii unui nou acord cu Romania, au declarat pentru Agerpres surse oficiale.Guvernul a cerut aprobarea unui acord preventiv in valoare de aproximativ doua miliarde de euro, pentru perioada de doi ani, la care se adauga alte doua miliarde de euro de la Comisia Europeana. Acesta este al treilea acord solicitat de Romania Fondului Monetar International, de la declansarea crizei economice. Primul a fost incheiat in 2009, iar al doilea, de tip preventiv, in 2011.Potrivit premierului Victor Ponta, proiectul final de scrisoare de intentie a fost trimis FMI pe 12 septembrie.
Although the extent and nature of his cruelty has been the source of some controversy of the years, virtually all of the sources agree that Prince Vlad III ruled his territory with an extremely hard hand. He apparently prescribed death for almost every infraction of the law and by all accounts he preferred impalement to all other forms of capital punishment. Normally, victims would have their feet tied to horses while a sharpened stake was forced into the body. Usually, the stakes entered through the anus and came out the mouth.
Tot retelele sociale sunt preferate de afiliati la capitolul canale online folosite in marketingul afiliat , intr- proportie de 54%. Blogurile personale si site-urile de continut de nisa completeaza acest Top 3. Cat se castiga prin afiliere Cei mai multi afiliati castiga lunar sub 100 de lei, insa 5% dintre ei reusesc sa obtina in fiecare luna mai bine de 2.500 de lei prin aceasta metoda de promovare online, mult peste valoarea salariului mediu din Romania. Aproape un sfert dintre respondenti se bazeaza exclusiv pe castigurile din afiliere si nu au alte surse de venit.
On the way back to the train station we stopped along the boardwalk and took some beautiful photos of an inlet, and a sandbar. Though the beach was rocky there was some sand further inland and under a bridge we walked over. Unsure of what to do we ended up taking a half hour cab ride to Monaco for a few hours, but though surreal and gorgeous there wasn't really anything affordable to do. The castle was beautiful and a race was happening at the famous speedway, but after walking along the pier for a bit we decided to go back to Ventimiglia.
Infineon is also working with the University Politehnica of Bucharest to develop master-level programs, as they are planning for about 60 additional developers to be hired in Bucharest during the course of this year. Still, BCP's interest in Romania does not look towards the comming Romania savings bank, CEC. BCP's chairman quoted it as being "out of the question". In my opinion, one of the reasons for BCP's interest in Romania might be the powerfully emerging real-estate market, as BCP is comming with a very good experience from the Portugese market.
Conducerea Fondului Monetar International a aprobat, vineri, scrisoarea de intentie transmisa de autoritatile de la Bucuresti in vederea incheierii unui nou acord cu Romania, au declarat pentru Agerpres surse oficiale.Guvernul a cerut aprobarea unui acord preventiv in valoare de aproximativ doua miliarde de euro, pentru perioada de doi ani, la care se adauga alte doua miliarde de euro de la Comisia Europeana. Acesta este al treilea acord solicitat de Romania Fondului Monetar International, de la declansarea crizei economice. Primul a fost incheiat in 2009, iar al doilea, de tip preventiv, in 2011.Potrivit premierului Victor Ponta, proiectul final de scrisoare de intentie a fost trimis FMI pe 12 septembrie.
Although the extent and nature of his cruelty has been the source of some controversy of the years, virtually all of the sources agree that Prince Vlad III ruled his territory with an extremely hard hand. He apparently prescribed death for almost every infraction of the law and by all accounts he preferred impalement to all other forms of capital punishment. Normally, victims would have their feet tied to horses while a sharpened stake was forced into the body. Usually, the stakes entered through the anus and came out the mouth.
Tot retelele sociale sunt preferate de afiliati la capitolul canale online folosite in marketingul afiliat , intr- proportie de 54%. Blogurile personale si site-urile de continut de nisa completeaza acest Top 3. Cat se castiga prin afiliere Cei mai multi afiliati castiga lunar sub 100 de lei, insa 5% dintre ei reusesc sa obtina in fiecare luna mai bine de 2.500 de lei prin aceasta metoda de promovare online, mult peste valoarea salariului mediu din Romania. Aproape un sfert dintre respondenti se bazeaza exclusiv pe castigurile din afiliere si nu au alte surse de venit.
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