Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
Consiliul Național al Audiovizualului a decis în ședința de joi să trimită România TV scrisoare de atenționare prin care-i cere să respecte decizia instanței de a suspenda folosirea mărcii la RTV, deținută de Realitatea Media În plus, consiliul a considerat că una dintre cele două variante de sigle folosite de post induce în eroare, după cum a relatat AICI Primul studiu dedicat pietei locale de afiliere derulat de 2Parale, care include raspunsurile a 851 de afiliati romani, informatiile fiind colectate exclusiv online prin intermediul unui chestionar, in perioada 29 martie-28 aprilie 2013.
Most of the people consider that living in Romania is difficult, because this is a country, whose people suffered a lot, especially during the communism, and now they try hard to catch up with the other developed countries of the world. However, nowadays living in Romania seems to be easier than in the past. Family is very important for them, though and there still are traditional families in which meal times can be respected, especially in the case of families, which set up home businesses. The country is seven hours ahead of the U.S.The climate is temperate and has four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold!
Different breads are very popular in Romanian culture and there are many interesting varieties. Cooked cornmeal (mamaliga) is traditional in all of Eastern Europe and is considered the poor man's dish and is a Romanian specialty. It is used with meat or cheese and is called polenta in Italy. It is cooked so long to be thickened and when done can be sliced like bread. Cheeses of all kinds are very popular with the Romanian people. The generic name for cheese in Romania is branza. Most of the cheese is made from cow or sheep milk.
Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu
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