Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart
It has been writen that the mass SMS trend in Romania got even more popular at the end of 2005, when about 81 million SMS-es were sent through the 2 most popular mobile phone operators, Connex-Vodafone and Orange. This brought them earnings of about EUR 5 million. What's even more interesting is that there are people who really appreciate those messages. As a friend told me these days, "that guy didn't even sent me a Happy New Year message". What, would you have wanted him to send you the same standard message that he will send to 10 other girls?
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
I literally stumbled upon Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy in the Italian Riviera while on my way to Nice, France. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me the French trains were on strike. The very last train stop in Italy before France is Ventimiglia. At first with my limited Italian I thought the train conductor was saying something about twenty million something rather. Then a man from the Netherlands who spoke perfect English explained to my friend and I that Ventimiglia was the name of the town the train ride was going to end at. From there we were on our own. Flabbergasted we didn't know what to do.
They even state that “Romania’s overall track record under the programme continues to be strong.” I almost choked when I read that bit, but maybe it is a typo, and they are talking anout another country, since it is hard to see how the observation applies to Romania. Curiously, while the report mentions the fact that "weather related disruptions weakened performance in the first quarter", I couldn't find a reference to the fact that the country is back in recession - rather than experiencing fragile growth - in the entire document.
El a mai aratat ca acordul prevede continuarea cresterii venitului minim garantat in 2014 si introducerea unei alocatii pentru incalzirea de locuinte pentru categoriile defavorizate.In ceea ce priveste programul de privatizari, seful Executivului a subliniat ca nu exista privatizari majoritare."Este vorba despre listarea a 10% din Nuclearelectrica, 15% din Romgaz, 15% din Compania Energetica Oltenia si 10% din Hidroelectrica. E vorba de implicarea capitalului privat in companiile energetice la care statul ramane actionar, dar prin acest capital privat putem sa avem si un management mai performant si resurse pentru investitii in retehnologizare", a detaliat Ponta.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Walking back down the rocky beach there was some sort of dance festival going on. It reminded me of times when my own dance school had danced at the capitol or different town greens. I made my friend watch for a while. We got hungry so we ventured down to the park again that was covered with palm trees and green grass. We sat on a bench, talked, and ate. The sun peaked through the trees and we were able to capture some amazing photos. There were some gorgeous buildings with balconies nearby. It was interesting to watch.
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