For the first three years of his reign Dracula maintained an icy peace with the Ottomans but in 1459 Hungarian enthusiasm for war was once again brimming over. Dracula decided to make his stand. He stopped paying the annual tribute of gold and Walachian boys to be trained as Janissaries. Mehmet sent his own men into Walachia to take captives and plunder; these Dracula set upon and impaled. In reaction Mehmet sent Hamza Pasha with 1000 troops to kill Dracula. Vlad learned of the ambush, trapped Turks in the mountains and killed them all, effectively declaring war.
As Lane Scheppele points out, it is hardly coincidental that the country has just fallen back (Spain style) into a double dip recession following a very sharp drop in output in 2009/10. Despite having received an initial 20 billion euro EU/IMF rescue loan in 2009 and a further 5 billion "top up" one in 2011 the economy still struggles to find air. The country's economy plunged by 6.6% in 2009, only to fall by another 1.6% in 2010. Thus GDP is still below the pre crisis peak - at levels first seen towards the end of 2008 and moving backwards in time.
By then it was about time for our train to take us back to Rome. We saw our nice taxi driver again who asked us how our day had gone. We decided it had been amazing because we hadn't spent too much money (except for the taxi) we had been in one of the most beautiful places we'd ever been. I'd recommend it as a cheaper place to stay if you want to visit Monaco or Nice. From what we heard later Nice isn't as nice as Monaco, and probably more touristy and crowded than Ventimiglia.
Va prezentam numerele Castigatoare la jocul Bingo Romania din 11.08.2013. Lista castigatorilor la Bingo Romania 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare la Bingo Romania. Castigatori Bingo Romania 11 AUGUST. Linie Bingo Romania 11 August 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Once called the “Paris of the East.” Romania covers 237,500 sq km and the total population is 22.5 million. Apart from Romanian the languages spoken are Hungarian and German. The ancestors of Romanians are the Dacians which were fierce warriors. They were subdued by the Romans under Trajan. It left a footnote in the form of the Latin language.
Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 23.06.2013, Numerele extrase Duminica 23 Iunie 2013 pe AcasaTV incepand cu ora 22.00 - Bilete Castigatoare la Bingo Romania 2013. Prezentatori Bingo Romania sunt Nicoleta Luciu si Max Dragomir, un show care le ofera romanilor posibilitatea de a participa la un joc de bingo. Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 2 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 23-06-2013. Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 15.09.2013, Numerele extrase Duminica 15 Septembrie 2013 pe AcasaTV incepand cu ora 22.00 - Bilete Castigatoare la Bingo Romania 2013.
De asemenea, Lexus IS poate fi echipat cu sistem audio Mark Levinson Premium Surround de ultimă generaţie, ce oferă una din cele mai rafinate experienţe audio disponibile în prezent la bordul unui autoturism. Mark Levinson colaborează cu Lexus în condiţii de exclusivitate de peste 12 ani, creând sisteme pentru particularităţile acustice specifice ale fiecărui Lexus în parte. Patru ani au fost necesari pentru a asigura armonizarea perfectă a sistemului de 835 waţi cu 12 canale şi 15 difuzoare cu habitaclul noului Lexus IS, obiectivul fiind furnizarea unui sunet de puritate echivalentă celei oferite de sală de concerte.
Mai bine de jumatate dintre afiliati reinvestesc diverse sume pentru a atrage castiguri si mai consistente. Aproape treime reinvestesc intre 1% si 20% dintre veniturile din afiliere, iar 11% chiar si peste 61% dintre castiguri. Mai multe informatii sunt in infograficul de mai jos. Toate cifrele din infografic reprezinta procentul din numarul de respondenti care au optat pentru raspunsul respectiv. Unele intrebari din chestionar au avut raspuns multiplu, iar procentele sunt aproximate pentru a exclude zecimalele. Sistemul european de alerta alimentara (RASFF) a introdus pe lista produselor interzise in spatiul comunitar, la sesizarea Italiei, un lot de carnati fabricati in Romania care contin un colorant alimentar nedeclarat – E 129.
It has been writen that the mass SMS trend in Romania got even more popular at the end of 2005, when about 81 million SMS-es were sent through the 2 most popular mobile phone operators, Connex-Vodafone and Orange. This brought them earnings of about EUR 5 million. What's even more interesting is that there are people who really appreciate those messages. As a friend told me these days, "that guy didn't even sent me a Happy New Year message". What, would you have wanted him to send you the same standard message that he will send to 10 other girls?
sâmbătă, 30 noiembrie 2013
joi, 28 noiembrie 2013
Romanian Tourism Encourages Visitors With 'Why Don't You Come Over' Campaign (PHOTOS)
Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
Nu vreau să mă declar nici un atotștiutor. Un motiv pentru care am amânat ceva timp această listă a fost dat de filmele ce încă le mai aveam de descoperit. Mi-am dat însă seama că lista asta nu se va micșora niciodată ( ceea ce e foarte bine). Nici nu apuci să vezi primul film într- limbă fără mare circulație internațională că afli de altul care teoretic merita mai degrabă vizionare. Treci peste primul Aapicahtpong Weerasethakul și descoperi că există și un Julian Hernandez. Iar amânările fac parte din descoperirea multor capodopere. Într- zi poate veți ajunge și la ele.
Scandia Romana, producer of Sibiu and Bucegi pate brands posted a 76 percent increase in the turnover for 2005, up to some 38 million EUR, Bursa reports. The increased turnover has strengthened the company's leading position of the pate market, with a share of 56 percent. According to the company's management the most important increases were posted for Pate Sibiu, Pate Bucegi, Pate Poiana and Pate Sadu brands. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS) believes that the FDI volume attracted by Romania in 2005 represented a record, even if the privatization of the Romanian Commercial Bank will be cashed in this year.
Autoritatile europene au luat aceasta decizie la solicitarea Ministerului italian al Sanatatii, care, conform site-ului de profil Il Fatto Alimentare, a transmis sesizari privind carnatii suspecti fabricati in Romania si privind alte zece produse, doua provenind din state membre UE – peste din Spania care ar contine mercur peste limita si suc de mere din Suedia cu continut mare de sulfiti. Rosu allura (E 129) este un colorant sintetic rosu-portocaliu folosit in dulciuri, bauturi, condimente, medicamente si produse cosmetice. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, colorantul sintetic E 129 este acceptat, dar nu este recomandat consumului de catre copii. Unele state – Danemarca, Belgia, Franta – au interzis acest colorant.
Efectuand peste 15000 de recuperari de date in fiecare luna, tehnologia multi-platforma dezvoltata de catre EVault ofera companiilor un model flexibil, construit pe baza nevoilor acestora. Fie ca este vorba de un proiect de stocare a datelor la sediul companiei, ori intr- locatie agreata de catre parteneri, EVault are solutia. Gestionand 12 data centere raspandite pe tot Globul, dintre care 3 in Europa, expertii EVault sunt pregatiti sa intervina 24/7/365 pentru a asigura buna functionare a companiilor ale caror date sunt protejate. Hotelurile noastre ofera spatii special amenajate pentru conferinte sau work shop-uri, precum si sali pentru spectacole si evenimente cu caracter cultural.
So one of the most sensitive issues in the current crisis of Romanian leadership is the question of public sector wages, and this whole question has a long history. What happened back in 2009 was not a case of long established living standards being suddenly slashed, it was a case of them being cut back to where they were before they were raised in an unsustainable way in order to win elections. As I said in my December 2008 post " Romania's Economy Heads Off Quietly And With No Fanfares Into It's Deepest Crisis in a Decade
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
But family life is of utmost importance to the average Romanian. A traditional Romanian family still sits down together at meal time. This is all more true in case of family businesses. The point of telling you all this is to let you understand that Romania has become an industrialized nation. In fact, agriculture is suffering there, as a large part of the agricultural work force has moved to industry. However, people here are quite a friendly sort. They like hanging out with their friends over beer, coffee, or wine. They also like chatting with the women.
Nu vreau să mă declar nici un atotștiutor. Un motiv pentru care am amânat ceva timp această listă a fost dat de filmele ce încă le mai aveam de descoperit. Mi-am dat însă seama că lista asta nu se va micșora niciodată ( ceea ce e foarte bine). Nici nu apuci să vezi primul film într- limbă fără mare circulație internațională că afli de altul care teoretic merita mai degrabă vizionare. Treci peste primul Aapicahtpong Weerasethakul și descoperi că există și un Julian Hernandez. Iar amânările fac parte din descoperirea multor capodopere. Într- zi poate veți ajunge și la ele.
Scandia Romana, producer of Sibiu and Bucegi pate brands posted a 76 percent increase in the turnover for 2005, up to some 38 million EUR, Bursa reports. The increased turnover has strengthened the company's leading position of the pate market, with a share of 56 percent. According to the company's management the most important increases were posted for Pate Sibiu, Pate Bucegi, Pate Poiana and Pate Sadu brands. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS) believes that the FDI volume attracted by Romania in 2005 represented a record, even if the privatization of the Romanian Commercial Bank will be cashed in this year.
Autoritatile europene au luat aceasta decizie la solicitarea Ministerului italian al Sanatatii, care, conform site-ului de profil Il Fatto Alimentare, a transmis sesizari privind carnatii suspecti fabricati in Romania si privind alte zece produse, doua provenind din state membre UE – peste din Spania care ar contine mercur peste limita si suc de mere din Suedia cu continut mare de sulfiti. Rosu allura (E 129) este un colorant sintetic rosu-portocaliu folosit in dulciuri, bauturi, condimente, medicamente si produse cosmetice. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, colorantul sintetic E 129 este acceptat, dar nu este recomandat consumului de catre copii. Unele state – Danemarca, Belgia, Franta – au interzis acest colorant.
Efectuand peste 15000 de recuperari de date in fiecare luna, tehnologia multi-platforma dezvoltata de catre EVault ofera companiilor un model flexibil, construit pe baza nevoilor acestora. Fie ca este vorba de un proiect de stocare a datelor la sediul companiei, ori intr- locatie agreata de catre parteneri, EVault are solutia. Gestionand 12 data centere raspandite pe tot Globul, dintre care 3 in Europa, expertii EVault sunt pregatiti sa intervina 24/7/365 pentru a asigura buna functionare a companiilor ale caror date sunt protejate. Hotelurile noastre ofera spatii special amenajate pentru conferinte sau work shop-uri, precum si sali pentru spectacole si evenimente cu caracter cultural.
So one of the most sensitive issues in the current crisis of Romanian leadership is the question of public sector wages, and this whole question has a long history. What happened back in 2009 was not a case of long established living standards being suddenly slashed, it was a case of them being cut back to where they were before they were raised in an unsustainable way in order to win elections. As I said in my December 2008 post " Romania's Economy Heads Off Quietly And With No Fanfares Into It's Deepest Crisis in a Decade
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
But family life is of utmost importance to the average Romanian. A traditional Romanian family still sits down together at meal time. This is all more true in case of family businesses. The point of telling you all this is to let you understand that Romania has become an industrialized nation. In fact, agriculture is suffering there, as a large part of the agricultural work force has moved to industry. However, people here are quite a friendly sort. They like hanging out with their friends over beer, coffee, or wine. They also like chatting with the women.
miercuri, 27 noiembrie 2013
The Dramatic Deaths Of Nicolae And Elena Ceausescu
Multumiri speciale merg din partea noastra catre toti cei care au completat chestionarului si au contribuit la popularizarea marketingului afiliat in Romania. Mizam in continuare pe sprijinul vostru prin impartasirea acestui infografic, puteti apela inclusiv la butoanele de share de mai jos. Notificarea privind lotul de carnati fabricati in Romania a fost introdusa pe 3 octombrie in Sistemul European Rapid de Alerta pentru Alimente si Furaje (RASFF) la pozitia 18. Autoritatile europene au blocat astfel comercializarea in spatiul comunitar a unui lot de carnati afumati din carne de porc, fabricati in Romania, care ar contine colorantul E 129 (rosu allura) in proportie de 1,2 mg/kg.
A political crisis has gripped Romania as its left-leaning prime minister, Victor Ponta, slashes and burns his way through constitutional institutions in an effort to eliminate his political competition. In the last few days, Ponta and his center-left Social Liberal Union (USL) party have sacked the speakers of both chambers of parliament, fired the ombudsman, threatened the constitutional court judges with impeachment and prohibited constitutional court from reviewing acts of parliament – all with the aim of making it easier for Ponta to remove President Traian Basescu from office. They hope to accomplish that by week’s end".
Nevertheless, Romanians make an effort to strike a balance between their family life and their career. They also try not to be overcome by stress, while at the same time to improve their quality of work. Most Romanians are of the opinion that happiness is not the end but the means; it is a way of life. They feel happy to wake up to a new day, and thank God for the little joys of life. The challenge of living in Romania is a challenge of attitudes, and those, who cannot find fulfillment, seek it elsewhere in the wideworld.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Done eating we decided to hit the beach. Beaches in the Riviera are rocky. Smooth, shiny, pebbles that do not hurt your feet that sink into them just like sand. The water was like bath water, but it felt wonderful. It was high tide, but you could still see the bottom clearly which was so strange for someone used to Long Island Sound. It was a peaceful and quiet family beach. No topless people, no blasting radios, just people who were probably locals or tourists relaxing. A man was painting the fence along the boardwalk green.
To many people, Romania would appear to be a tough place to live in. After all, it is a country, which went through a lot of hardship in the recent past, and is now trying hard to catch up with the rest of the developed world. The thing is, it has actually become easier to live in Romania at present. Life of the average Romanian is intimately involved with work. Romanians are busy people and begin their working day pretty early. They usually start off at seven in the morning and finish off by three in the afternoon.
A political crisis has gripped Romania as its left-leaning prime minister, Victor Ponta, slashes and burns his way through constitutional institutions in an effort to eliminate his political competition. In the last few days, Ponta and his center-left Social Liberal Union (USL) party have sacked the speakers of both chambers of parliament, fired the ombudsman, threatened the constitutional court judges with impeachment and prohibited constitutional court from reviewing acts of parliament – all with the aim of making it easier for Ponta to remove President Traian Basescu from office. They hope to accomplish that by week’s end".
Nevertheless, Romanians make an effort to strike a balance between their family life and their career. They also try not to be overcome by stress, while at the same time to improve their quality of work. Most Romanians are of the opinion that happiness is not the end but the means; it is a way of life. They feel happy to wake up to a new day, and thank God for the little joys of life. The challenge of living in Romania is a challenge of attitudes, and those, who cannot find fulfillment, seek it elsewhere in the wideworld.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Done eating we decided to hit the beach. Beaches in the Riviera are rocky. Smooth, shiny, pebbles that do not hurt your feet that sink into them just like sand. The water was like bath water, but it felt wonderful. It was high tide, but you could still see the bottom clearly which was so strange for someone used to Long Island Sound. It was a peaceful and quiet family beach. No topless people, no blasting radios, just people who were probably locals or tourists relaxing. A man was painting the fence along the boardwalk green.
To many people, Romania would appear to be a tough place to live in. After all, it is a country, which went through a lot of hardship in the recent past, and is now trying hard to catch up with the rest of the developed world. The thing is, it has actually become easier to live in Romania at present. Life of the average Romanian is intimately involved with work. Romanians are busy people and begin their working day pretty early. They usually start off at seven in the morning and finish off by three in the afternoon.
marți, 26 noiembrie 2013
Cannes Film Festival 2012 Winners
Romanians are also a people known for their hospitality. They feel that the standard of living has improved dramatically in the last 17 years. As far as their work habits are concerned, they have their own style and pace of doing work. This might appear to be a bit slow, at least to other people like French, say. What is nice about living in Romania is that Romanians are not workaholics, nor do they always go strictly by the rules. Unlike the Germans, they do not always know what they are going to do next. They are quite ambitious in their outlook, but do not really swear by discipline.
Maramuresul este marea sa iubire. Cum a ajuns in Romania? In aprilie 1994, cand avea 26 de ani, a ajuns aici cu ajutorul unui fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin, care voia sa porneasca firma de consultanta in marketing. In August 1993 am ajuns la Praga si am ramas foarte impresionat. Era evident ca ceva foarte interesant se petrecuse acolo, pe partea acesta a Europei, inca total necunoscut mie, si am plecat din Praga ferm convins ca, la prima ocazie, sa vin sa locuiesc in Europa de Est”, povesteste Peter Hurley pentru
The operator of the largest on-line shopping portal was established by Jeff Bezos in a garage in the USA in 1994 and has since grown to become a EUR 5 billion plus business. Over the years, Amazon has expanded its fields of activity, beginning by selling CDs and DVDs, and then electronics, toys and consumer goods. It posted revenues of about $7 billion in 2005. Romania needs to register annual rates of economic growth of 7 percent over the next 25 – 30 years to reach the level of Europen Union regarding development, as long as EU member states will reach development rates of 2 percent/year, said the MEC representative.
Totul a început anul trecut, când Yannick De Neef şi prietenii săi au decis să îşi facă vacanţa în staţiunea spaniolă Lloret del Mar. Înainte de plecare, tânărul belgian şi-a cumpărat un HTC cu cameră suficient de bună cât să nu mai fie nevoit să se care după el şi cu aparatul de fotografiat. Yannick recunoaşte pe blogul său că s-a dus în Spania la agăţat. A reuşit să cunoască fată şi, prea concentrat să facă impresie bună, a uitat să mai fie atent la telefonul său. Şi-a dat seama că nu îl mai are abia când a ajuns cu fata pe plajă.
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ruled over the vast British Empire from 1837 to 1901, which at sixty three years is a longer reign than any other British monarch. When she died, her legacy was not only political or historical -it was also familial. Through the marriages of her nine children and forty grandchildren, her descendants now number in the thousands and make up the vast majority of current European monarchs. This is a compilation of her descendants who have gone on to reign as monarchs or consorts (the spouses of monarchs), just as she did.
CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
Maramuresul este marea sa iubire. Cum a ajuns in Romania? In aprilie 1994, cand avea 26 de ani, a ajuns aici cu ajutorul unui fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin, care voia sa porneasca firma de consultanta in marketing. In August 1993 am ajuns la Praga si am ramas foarte impresionat. Era evident ca ceva foarte interesant se petrecuse acolo, pe partea acesta a Europei, inca total necunoscut mie, si am plecat din Praga ferm convins ca, la prima ocazie, sa vin sa locuiesc in Europa de Est”, povesteste Peter Hurley pentru
The operator of the largest on-line shopping portal was established by Jeff Bezos in a garage in the USA in 1994 and has since grown to become a EUR 5 billion plus business. Over the years, Amazon has expanded its fields of activity, beginning by selling CDs and DVDs, and then electronics, toys and consumer goods. It posted revenues of about $7 billion in 2005. Romania needs to register annual rates of economic growth of 7 percent over the next 25 – 30 years to reach the level of Europen Union regarding development, as long as EU member states will reach development rates of 2 percent/year, said the MEC representative.
Totul a început anul trecut, când Yannick De Neef şi prietenii săi au decis să îşi facă vacanţa în staţiunea spaniolă Lloret del Mar. Înainte de plecare, tânărul belgian şi-a cumpărat un HTC cu cameră suficient de bună cât să nu mai fie nevoit să se care după el şi cu aparatul de fotografiat. Yannick recunoaşte pe blogul său că s-a dus în Spania la agăţat. A reuşit să cunoască fată şi, prea concentrat să facă impresie bună, a uitat să mai fie atent la telefonul său. Şi-a dat seama că nu îl mai are abia când a ajuns cu fata pe plajă.
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ruled over the vast British Empire from 1837 to 1901, which at sixty three years is a longer reign than any other British monarch. When she died, her legacy was not only political or historical -it was also familial. Through the marriages of her nine children and forty grandchildren, her descendants now number in the thousands and make up the vast majority of current European monarchs. This is a compilation of her descendants who have gone on to reign as monarchs or consorts (the spouses of monarchs), just as she did.
CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.
In alegerea advertiserilor pe care afiliatii ii promoveaza, comisionul oferit la fiecare vanzare si reputatia sunt cele mai importante criterii de selectie. De asemenea, factori importanti sunt uneltele de promovare puse la dispozitia afiliatilor si categoria advertiserilor. Cele mai folosite metode de promovare sunt retelele sociale (61%), care au castigat teren in special in ultimul an si sunt accesibile unui numar mai mare de utilizatori de internet, si promovarea prin intermediul motoarelor de cautare, prin SEO ( 40%) si PPC (27%), utilizate cu precadere de cei cu experienta in marketingul online.
sâmbătă, 23 noiembrie 2013
Apa Trece, Romania Ramane!
De asemenea, Lexus IS poate fi echipat cu sistem audio Mark Levinson Premium Surround de ultimă generaţie, ce oferă una din cele mai rafinate experienţe audio disponibile în prezent la bordul unui autoturism. Mark Levinson colaborează cu Lexus în condiţii de exclusivitate de peste 12 ani, creând sisteme pentru particularităţile acustice specifice ale fiecărui Lexus în parte. Patru ani au fost necesari pentru a asigura armonizarea perfectă a sistemului de 835 waţi cu 12 canale şi 15 difuzoare cu habitaclul noului Lexus IS, obiectivul fiind furnizarea unui sunet de puritate echivalentă celei oferite de sală de concerte.
Am mai scris pe subiectul acesta. Stiu ca exista numeroase discutii – unele in contradictoriu – dar ar fi important sa fie facute compromisurile necesare astfel incat Romania sa beneficieze cat mai curand de noile resurse energetice si sa poata chiar exporta energie, eventual prin cablul submarin spre Turcia sau construind impreuna cu Bulgaria cele doua unitati de la Cernavoda. Desserts are usually crepes filled with fruits or cherry streudel. Other desserts in Romania include baclava, which is sweet layered pastry; sponge cake known as pandispan; rice pudding or orez cu lapte; and gingerbread or turta dulce.
This is a wonderful city to visit as it has the Opera Square or the Piata where you will also get to enjoy the wonderful sight of the Roman Orthodox Cathedral as well as get to see majestic palaces of the rich Romanians. In this city, you will surely love a walk in its parks. You can also visit the Union Square or the Piata Unirii where you will get to see historical buildings like the Catholic Dome and the Baroque Palace, etc. When I see how farmers whip them, it drives me mad," Craciun said. "I go to sleep thinking about them. I wake up thinking about them."
Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
With recession, inflation, and a dead end economy, when you take a look at your savings, you must have realized how difficult the future can be. Well, this feeling would be much stronger if you are nearing retirement. With this feeling, along with the financial crunch, you might have to come up with some unique retirement planning options. I am sure you have already but nothing can be as exciting as retiring in a foreign country. This article will tell you about some of the cheapest places to retire that will help you save a lot of money without compromising your standard of living.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Mergeam prin Piata Revolutiei. Oameni lucrau pe fatada Palatului Regal, reparand locurile unde au lovit gloantele. Biserica Cretulescu era gaurita in proportie de 90 la suta, cu greu gaseai bucata neciuruita. Biblioteca Nationala avea inca urme de fum pe zidurile exterioare. Dar ranile nu erau numai pe cladiri. Imi aduc aminte cum, la un moment dat, mi-a batut la usa dna Paliuc, una dintre vecine, doamna de vreo 80 de ani. Fiind tara muntoasa si cu cursuri numeroase de apa, Romania a dezvoltat un remarcabil sistem de hidrocentrale inca de la mijocul secolului trecut, fiind intr-un fel un precursor al incercarilor actuale ale Uniunii in domeniul energiei verzi.
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
Am mai scris pe subiectul acesta. Stiu ca exista numeroase discutii – unele in contradictoriu – dar ar fi important sa fie facute compromisurile necesare astfel incat Romania sa beneficieze cat mai curand de noile resurse energetice si sa poata chiar exporta energie, eventual prin cablul submarin spre Turcia sau construind impreuna cu Bulgaria cele doua unitati de la Cernavoda. Desserts are usually crepes filled with fruits or cherry streudel. Other desserts in Romania include baclava, which is sweet layered pastry; sponge cake known as pandispan; rice pudding or orez cu lapte; and gingerbread or turta dulce.
This is a wonderful city to visit as it has the Opera Square or the Piata where you will also get to enjoy the wonderful sight of the Roman Orthodox Cathedral as well as get to see majestic palaces of the rich Romanians. In this city, you will surely love a walk in its parks. You can also visit the Union Square or the Piata Unirii where you will get to see historical buildings like the Catholic Dome and the Baroque Palace, etc. When I see how farmers whip them, it drives me mad," Craciun said. "I go to sleep thinking about them. I wake up thinking about them."
Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMart
With recession, inflation, and a dead end economy, when you take a look at your savings, you must have realized how difficult the future can be. Well, this feeling would be much stronger if you are nearing retirement. With this feeling, along with the financial crunch, you might have to come up with some unique retirement planning options. I am sure you have already but nothing can be as exciting as retiring in a foreign country. This article will tell you about some of the cheapest places to retire that will help you save a lot of money without compromising your standard of living.
Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.
Mergeam prin Piata Revolutiei. Oameni lucrau pe fatada Palatului Regal, reparand locurile unde au lovit gloantele. Biserica Cretulescu era gaurita in proportie de 90 la suta, cu greu gaseai bucata neciuruita. Biblioteca Nationala avea inca urme de fum pe zidurile exterioare. Dar ranile nu erau numai pe cladiri. Imi aduc aminte cum, la un moment dat, mi-a batut la usa dna Paliuc, una dintre vecine, doamna de vreo 80 de ani. Fiind tara muntoasa si cu cursuri numeroase de apa, Romania a dezvoltat un remarcabil sistem de hidrocentrale inca de la mijocul secolului trecut, fiind intr-un fel un precursor al incercarilor actuale ale Uniunii in domeniul energiei verzi.
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
vineri, 22 noiembrie 2013
Cel Mai Rapid Internet Din Romania
In general, dezvoltarea eolianului nu are mari reverberatii in Bucuresti, intrucat pe de parte este un fenomen care are loc in provincie, iar pe de alta parte nu este legat de industria bunurilor de larg consum, care atrage mult mai rapid atentia publica. Adevarata revolutie in domeniul regenerabilelor va fi poate momentul in care dezvoltarea energiei solare va fi accesibila si pentru utilizatorul casnic. In momentul de fata sistemul de promovare valabil pentru marii producatori nu este pus la punct si pentru producatorii casnici, asa incat el nu este viabil pentru cei mai multi dintre noi.
amintire mai speciala si imagine ce i-au ramas intiparite in minte le-a dobandit intr-un tren personal, pe ruta Targoviste-Bucuresti. “In primul meu proiect am ajuns la Brasov, mare revelatie pentru mine prin frumusetea sa. Si dupa asta spre Targoviste. M-am intors la Bucuresti cu un tren personal, eu, un tanar roscat irlandez imbracat in costum. Era seara calda de sfarsit de iunie. Ca multi straini stabiliti aici, printre primele lucruri pe care le-a remarcat a fost orspitalitatea romanilor. “Oamenii au fost foarte prietenosi, primitori. Eu ma simt usor stanjenit, asa sunt eu, dar peste tot am fost bine primit”, mai spune Peter.
The United States by 3 percent, and the EU an average of 2 percent, while the global economy has grown by 3.6 percent in 2005. In Romania, the economic growth for 2005 was 4,2- 4,5 percent of GDP, over half of the level reached in 2004, when the economic growth was 8, 3, according to the preliminary data presented by the State Minister Gheorghe Pogea. He showed that the growth rhythm of GDP was below the estimations made by the authorities, of 5,5-5,7 percent, the main cause being the unfavourable weather which prevented the achievement of infrastructure projects.![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Maramuresul este marea sa iubire. Cum a ajuns in Romania? In aprilie 1994, cand avea 26 de ani, a ajuns aici cu ajutorul unui fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin, care voia sa porneasca firma de consultanta in marketing. In August 1993 am ajuns la Praga si am ramas foarte impresionat. Era evident ca ceva foarte interesant se petrecuse acolo, pe partea acesta a Europei, inca total necunoscut mie, si am plecat din Praga ferm convins ca, la prima ocazie, sa vin sa locuiesc in Europa de Est”, povesteste Peter Hurley pentru
De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.
A political crisis has gripped Romania as its left-leaning prime minister, Victor Ponta, slashes and burns his way through constitutional institutions in an effort to eliminate his political competition. In the last few days, Ponta and his center-left Social Liberal Union (USL) party have sacked the speakers of both chambers of parliament, fired the ombudsman, threatened the constitutional court judges with impeachment and prohibited constitutional court from reviewing acts of parliament – all with the aim of making it easier for Ponta to remove President Traian Basescu from office. They hope to accomplish that by week’s end".
amintire mai speciala si imagine ce i-au ramas intiparite in minte le-a dobandit intr-un tren personal, pe ruta Targoviste-Bucuresti. “In primul meu proiect am ajuns la Brasov, mare revelatie pentru mine prin frumusetea sa. Si dupa asta spre Targoviste. M-am intors la Bucuresti cu un tren personal, eu, un tanar roscat irlandez imbracat in costum. Era seara calda de sfarsit de iunie. Ca multi straini stabiliti aici, printre primele lucruri pe care le-a remarcat a fost orspitalitatea romanilor. “Oamenii au fost foarte prietenosi, primitori. Eu ma simt usor stanjenit, asa sunt eu, dar peste tot am fost bine primit”, mai spune Peter.
The United States by 3 percent, and the EU an average of 2 percent, while the global economy has grown by 3.6 percent in 2005. In Romania, the economic growth for 2005 was 4,2- 4,5 percent of GDP, over half of the level reached in 2004, when the economic growth was 8, 3, according to the preliminary data presented by the State Minister Gheorghe Pogea. He showed that the growth rhythm of GDP was below the estimations made by the authorities, of 5,5-5,7 percent, the main cause being the unfavourable weather which prevented the achievement of infrastructure projects.
Maramuresul este marea sa iubire. Cum a ajuns in Romania? In aprilie 1994, cand avea 26 de ani, a ajuns aici cu ajutorul unui fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin, care voia sa porneasca firma de consultanta in marketing. In August 1993 am ajuns la Praga si am ramas foarte impresionat. Era evident ca ceva foarte interesant se petrecuse acolo, pe partea acesta a Europei, inca total necunoscut mie, si am plecat din Praga ferm convins ca, la prima ocazie, sa vin sa locuiesc in Europa de Est”, povesteste Peter Hurley pentru
De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.
A political crisis has gripped Romania as its left-leaning prime minister, Victor Ponta, slashes and burns his way through constitutional institutions in an effort to eliminate his political competition. In the last few days, Ponta and his center-left Social Liberal Union (USL) party have sacked the speakers of both chambers of parliament, fired the ombudsman, threatened the constitutional court judges with impeachment and prohibited constitutional court from reviewing acts of parliament – all with the aim of making it easier for Ponta to remove President Traian Basescu from office. They hope to accomplish that by week’s end".
luni, 18 noiembrie 2013
Ovidius University Medical School Of Constanta Romania
This is a wonderful city to visit as it has the Opera Square or the Piata where you will also get to enjoy the wonderful sight of the Roman Orthodox Cathedral as well as get to see majestic palaces of the rich Romanians. In this city, you will surely love a walk in its parks. You can also visit the Union Square or the Piata Unirii where you will get to see historical buildings like the Catholic Dome and the Baroque Palace, etc. When I see how farmers whip them, it drives me mad," Craciun said. "I go to sleep thinking about them. I wake up thinking about them."
On the way back to the train station we stopped along the boardwalk and took some beautiful photos of an inlet, and a sandbar. Though the beach was rocky there was some sand further inland and under a bridge we walked over. Unsure of what to do we ended up taking a half hour cab ride to Monaco for a few hours, but though surreal and gorgeous there wasn't really anything affordable to do. The castle was beautiful and a race was happening at the famous speedway, but after walking along the pier for a bit we decided to go back to Ventimiglia.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Totul a început anul trecut, când Yannick De Neef şi prietenii săi au decis să îşi facă vacanţa în staţiunea spaniolă Lloret del Mar. Înainte de plecare, tânărul belgian şi-a cumpărat un HTC cu cameră suficient de bună cât să nu mai fie nevoit să se care după el şi cu aparatul de fotografiat. Yannick recunoaşte pe blogul său că s-a dus în Spania la agăţat. A reuşit să cunoască fată şi, prea concentrat să facă impresie bună, a uitat să mai fie atent la telefonul său. Şi-a dat seama că nu îl mai are abia când a ajuns cu fata pe plajă.
An exciting discovery has been made in Venice, Italy in March of 2009. A team of archeologists was digging a gravesite on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, in Venice looking for some clues to the remains of plague victims in the middle ages, in 1576, when they serendipitously found a female skeleton with her mouth stuffed with a brick. What is exciting about this find is that it was the practice in the 1500's in Italy to stuff the mouth of a vampire with a brick. Borrini presented his findings to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver, Colorado.
So far, this is the most popular city in Romania and is the capital of Transylvania. As such, there are a lot of places to see here like the many museums such as the National Art Museum ad the National Museum of the History of Transylvania. Or you can always visit its parks like the Botanical Garden as well as Central Park. The main tourist destination here is the Suceava Fortress. This ancient fortress was erected during the 14th and 15th century and was made more impressive by Stephen the Great. As such, this was never overpowered by attackers.
This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.
On the way back to the train station we stopped along the boardwalk and took some beautiful photos of an inlet, and a sandbar. Though the beach was rocky there was some sand further inland and under a bridge we walked over. Unsure of what to do we ended up taking a half hour cab ride to Monaco for a few hours, but though surreal and gorgeous there wasn't really anything affordable to do. The castle was beautiful and a race was happening at the famous speedway, but after walking along the pier for a bit we decided to go back to Ventimiglia.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu
Totul a început anul trecut, când Yannick De Neef şi prietenii săi au decis să îşi facă vacanţa în staţiunea spaniolă Lloret del Mar. Înainte de plecare, tânărul belgian şi-a cumpărat un HTC cu cameră suficient de bună cât să nu mai fie nevoit să se care după el şi cu aparatul de fotografiat. Yannick recunoaşte pe blogul său că s-a dus în Spania la agăţat. A reuşit să cunoască fată şi, prea concentrat să facă impresie bună, a uitat să mai fie atent la telefonul său. Şi-a dat seama că nu îl mai are abia când a ajuns cu fata pe plajă.
An exciting discovery has been made in Venice, Italy in March of 2009. A team of archeologists was digging a gravesite on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, in Venice looking for some clues to the remains of plague victims in the middle ages, in 1576, when they serendipitously found a female skeleton with her mouth stuffed with a brick. What is exciting about this find is that it was the practice in the 1500's in Italy to stuff the mouth of a vampire with a brick. Borrini presented his findings to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver, Colorado.
So far, this is the most popular city in Romania and is the capital of Transylvania. As such, there are a lot of places to see here like the many museums such as the National Art Museum ad the National Museum of the History of Transylvania. Or you can always visit its parks like the Botanical Garden as well as Central Park. The main tourist destination here is the Suceava Fortress. This ancient fortress was erected during the 14th and 15th century and was made more impressive by Stephen the Great. As such, this was never overpowered by attackers.
This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.
vineri, 15 noiembrie 2013
“România – Exploraţi Grădina Carpatică” Poate Deveni “România – Exploraţi Grădina De Cianură”
This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.
Ce cred eu despre aurul de la Roșia Montana? Ei, bine, credcă peste treizeci de ani vor exista tehnologii curate care să poată extrageaurul la costuri rezonabile și fără pericol pentru mediu. Aurul nu pleacănicăieri și prefer să aparțină generațiilor viitoare care poate vor avea șansaunor politicieni responsabili decât să-l extragem acum într- combinațiepierzătoare pentru România atât la nivelul redevenței cat și ca dezastruecologic. Despre cele câteva sute de locuri de muncă fluturate prin fațaochilor noștri ca argument pentru necesitatea începerii exploatării mă pufneșterâsul. Cele câteva sute de nemulțumiți de la Roșia chiar nu au luatîn calcul că pot munci puțin mai departe de casă?
Generatia celor care fac bani online, prin marketing afiliat, e formata in principal din tineri cu varsta intre 18 si 34 de ani, cu studii superioare (universitare si post-universitare), necasatoriti si de sex masculin. Bucuresti conduce in topul regiunilor in care locuiesc afiliatii, cu 24%, fiind urmat la mare distanta de judetele Iasi si Timis. Mai bine de trei sferturi (82%) dintre afiliati castiga bani de acasa si jumatate dintre ei au inceput afilierea in 2013. Pentru a se informa, precum si pentru a invata mai multe despre marketingul online, afiliatii citesc cu precadere site-uri specializate de marketing online dinro, retele sociale si bloguri romanesti. De unde vin banii![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Mergeam prin Piata Revolutiei. Oameni lucrau pe fatada Palatului Regal, reparand locurile unde au lovit gloantele. Biserica Cretulescu era gaurita in proportie de 90 la suta, cu greu gaseai bucata neciuruita. Biblioteca Nationala avea inca urme de fum pe zidurile exterioare. Dar ranile nu erau numai pe cladiri. Imi aduc aminte cum, la un moment dat, mi-a batut la usa dna Paliuc, una dintre vecine, doamna de vreo 80 de ani. Fiind tara muntoasa si cu cursuri numeroase de apa, Romania a dezvoltat un remarcabil sistem de hidrocentrale inca de la mijocul secolului trecut, fiind intr-un fel un precursor al incercarilor actuale ale Uniunii in domeniul energiei verzi.
Most of the people consider that living in Romania is difficult, because this is a country, whose people suffered a lot, especially during the communism, and now they try hard to catch up with the other developed countries of the world. However, nowadays living in Romania seems to be easier than in the past. Family is very important for them, though and there still are traditional families in which meal times can be respected, especially in the case of families, which set up home businesses. The country is seven hours ahead of the U.S.The climate is temperate and has four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold!
Shahmir holds degrees in economics and finance from the London School of Economics and the London Business School, as well as an MBA from the University of Karachi. Real estate sources say that the company rented, at the end of last year, two floors of an office building near Piata Universitatii. The number of employees may reach 600 specialists, sources on the market say. The top of economic growth is taken by China with 8-9 percent, followed by India, 6 – 7 percent, Russia and Brazil 5–6 percent. Finally, 14 percent of new-model phones in 2008 are estimated to contain Wi-Fi links, up from less than 1 percent in 2004.
Ce cred eu despre aurul de la Roșia Montana? Ei, bine, credcă peste treizeci de ani vor exista tehnologii curate care să poată extrageaurul la costuri rezonabile și fără pericol pentru mediu. Aurul nu pleacănicăieri și prefer să aparțină generațiilor viitoare care poate vor avea șansaunor politicieni responsabili decât să-l extragem acum într- combinațiepierzătoare pentru România atât la nivelul redevenței cat și ca dezastruecologic. Despre cele câteva sute de locuri de muncă fluturate prin fațaochilor noștri ca argument pentru necesitatea începerii exploatării mă pufneșterâsul. Cele câteva sute de nemulțumiți de la Roșia chiar nu au luatîn calcul că pot munci puțin mai departe de casă?
Generatia celor care fac bani online, prin marketing afiliat, e formata in principal din tineri cu varsta intre 18 si 34 de ani, cu studii superioare (universitare si post-universitare), necasatoriti si de sex masculin. Bucuresti conduce in topul regiunilor in care locuiesc afiliatii, cu 24%, fiind urmat la mare distanta de judetele Iasi si Timis. Mai bine de trei sferturi (82%) dintre afiliati castiga bani de acasa si jumatate dintre ei au inceput afilierea in 2013. Pentru a se informa, precum si pentru a invata mai multe despre marketingul online, afiliatii citesc cu precadere site-uri specializate de marketing online dinro, retele sociale si bloguri romanesti. De unde vin banii
Mergeam prin Piata Revolutiei. Oameni lucrau pe fatada Palatului Regal, reparand locurile unde au lovit gloantele. Biserica Cretulescu era gaurita in proportie de 90 la suta, cu greu gaseai bucata neciuruita. Biblioteca Nationala avea inca urme de fum pe zidurile exterioare. Dar ranile nu erau numai pe cladiri. Imi aduc aminte cum, la un moment dat, mi-a batut la usa dna Paliuc, una dintre vecine, doamna de vreo 80 de ani. Fiind tara muntoasa si cu cursuri numeroase de apa, Romania a dezvoltat un remarcabil sistem de hidrocentrale inca de la mijocul secolului trecut, fiind intr-un fel un precursor al incercarilor actuale ale Uniunii in domeniul energiei verzi.
Most of the people consider that living in Romania is difficult, because this is a country, whose people suffered a lot, especially during the communism, and now they try hard to catch up with the other developed countries of the world. However, nowadays living in Romania seems to be easier than in the past. Family is very important for them, though and there still are traditional families in which meal times can be respected, especially in the case of families, which set up home businesses. The country is seven hours ahead of the U.S.The climate is temperate and has four seasons. Summer is hot and winter is very cold!
Shahmir holds degrees in economics and finance from the London School of Economics and the London Business School, as well as an MBA from the University of Karachi. Real estate sources say that the company rented, at the end of last year, two floors of an office building near Piata Universitatii. The number of employees may reach 600 specialists, sources on the market say. The top of economic growth is taken by China with 8-9 percent, followed by India, 6 – 7 percent, Russia and Brazil 5–6 percent. Finally, 14 percent of new-model phones in 2008 are estimated to contain Wi-Fi links, up from less than 1 percent in 2004.
joi, 14 noiembrie 2013
Sos! Spre Ce Se Îndreaptă România! Cea Mai Ordinară Lege, Gata Să Fie Aprobată! Va Fi Măcel!
Romania is a country in Europe. Although it was not a major tourist destination before the 1990s, now, it has opened itself up to people who would love to see historical places as well as beautiful sceneries. Here are top ten cities in Romania that a visitor should visit. In Bucharest, you can visit Romania 's famous museums like the Village Museum and the Museum of the Romanian Peasant as well as Curtea Veche Museum. A lovely walk along the Old City is also a must for any visitor. Likewise, visiting the many churches here as well as monasteries should also be included.
I literally stumbled upon Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy in the Italian Riviera while on my way to Nice, France. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me the French trains were on strike. The very last train stop in Italy before France is Ventimiglia. At first with my limited Italian I thought the train conductor was saying something about twenty million something rather. Then a man from the Netherlands who spoke perfect English explained to my friend and I that Ventimiglia was the name of the town the train ride was going to end at. From there we were on our own. Flabbergasted we didn't know what to do.
Fiind vorba de un ajutor public, asemanator unui ajutor de stat, este nevoie de aprobarea Uniunii Europene. Dialogul dintre autoritatile romane si Comisie a inceput, dar se pare ca viteza de derulare a acestuia nu este foarte ridicata. Oricum, Romania are sanse de deveni un actor energetic important in regiune. Noile descoperiri de gaze de sist si de petrol (in Marea Neagra) pot propulsa in pozitia de exportator de energie (in curand se vor exporta gaze in Ungaria si Republica Moldova) Regenerabilele sunt si in acest context importante pentru ca pot economisi resurse de combustibili clasici pentru productria de electricitate, lasand combustibilii fosili pentru utilizari in industrie sau pentru export.
Se poate să nici nu fi auzit despre acest film și este adevărat că nu poți să nu devii subiectiv într-un astfel de clasament. Filmul lui Jean Marc Valee ( a mai regizat și The Young Victoria) despre relația dintre un tată care nu poate accepta ideea homosexualității în familia sa și fiul gay care încearcă să nu își asculte chemarea ( nici urmă de melodramă în toată povestea) se mai găsește prin câteva clasamente, dar încă este greu de distins în masa largă de filme de gen. Voi însă puteți deja să îl încercați. Cred însă că va fi mai mult decât atât.![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
The United States by 3 percent, and the EU an average of 2 percent, while the global economy has grown by 3.6 percent in 2005. In Romania, the economic growth for 2005 was 4,2- 4,5 percent of GDP, over half of the level reached in 2004, when the economic growth was 8, 3, according to the preliminary data presented by the State Minister Gheorghe Pogea. He showed that the growth rhythm of GDP was below the estimations made by the authorities, of 5,5-5,7 percent, the main cause being the unfavourable weather which prevented the achievement of infrastructure projects.
Introducing Nicolae Ceausescu, the reigning worst dictator in the history of Europe. A pig on all counts, this man treated Romania as his personal fiefdom through much of the twentieth century. While leading the country into economic ruin, he built lavish estates for he and his wife. While Romanians starved on the streets, he and his wife spent money like Joan Collins at a plastic surgeon. When he was finally expelled from office, the people were so outraged by his excess that he and his wife were literally stoned to death.
Iubesc satul romanesc. Mi se pare ca esenta Romaniei se afla la sat si imi pare rau cand il vad ocolit, ba chiar batjocorit Comoara voastra nationala, chiar identitatea nationala, este strans legata de soarta satului romanesc. In masura in care continuati sa il ignorati, sa-l pierdeti in scurt timp. Romania are cea mai mare civilizatie rurala autentica, vie din Europa. Nu intelegeti ca este lucrul care va defineste. sa va para rau pentru copiii vostri”, a raspuns Peter Hurley. Energia verde are marele merit de a nu emite noxe, dand sansa ca si urmasii nostri sa poata locui intr-un mediu sanatos.
In august, un alt lot de carnati din Romania a fost oprit de la comercializare in Italia din cauza ca produsul continea colorantii E 124 si E 129. La acea vreme, reprezentantii Autoritatii Nationale Sanitare Veterinare si pentru Siguranta Alimentelor (ANSVSA) explicau ca cei doi aditivi sunt autorizati in spatiul UE, dar nu in produsul respectiv, ci numai in anumite tipuri de carnati, precum chorizo si altele. Astfel, carnatii respectivi au fost opriti de la comercializare deoarece compozitia lor nu corespundea retetelor alimentare autorizate in UE, precizau sursele citate. The listing is part of wider privatisation commitments thatRomania has agreed with the International Monetary Fund under aseries of aid deals.
I literally stumbled upon Ventimiglia, Liguria, Italy in the Italian Riviera while on my way to Nice, France. Unfortunately unbeknownst to me the French trains were on strike. The very last train stop in Italy before France is Ventimiglia. At first with my limited Italian I thought the train conductor was saying something about twenty million something rather. Then a man from the Netherlands who spoke perfect English explained to my friend and I that Ventimiglia was the name of the town the train ride was going to end at. From there we were on our own. Flabbergasted we didn't know what to do.
Fiind vorba de un ajutor public, asemanator unui ajutor de stat, este nevoie de aprobarea Uniunii Europene. Dialogul dintre autoritatile romane si Comisie a inceput, dar se pare ca viteza de derulare a acestuia nu este foarte ridicata. Oricum, Romania are sanse de deveni un actor energetic important in regiune. Noile descoperiri de gaze de sist si de petrol (in Marea Neagra) pot propulsa in pozitia de exportator de energie (in curand se vor exporta gaze in Ungaria si Republica Moldova) Regenerabilele sunt si in acest context importante pentru ca pot economisi resurse de combustibili clasici pentru productria de electricitate, lasand combustibilii fosili pentru utilizari in industrie sau pentru export.
Se poate să nici nu fi auzit despre acest film și este adevărat că nu poți să nu devii subiectiv într-un astfel de clasament. Filmul lui Jean Marc Valee ( a mai regizat și The Young Victoria) despre relația dintre un tată care nu poate accepta ideea homosexualității în familia sa și fiul gay care încearcă să nu își asculte chemarea ( nici urmă de melodramă în toată povestea) se mai găsește prin câteva clasamente, dar încă este greu de distins în masa largă de filme de gen. Voi însă puteți deja să îl încercați. Cred însă că va fi mai mult decât atât.
The United States by 3 percent, and the EU an average of 2 percent, while the global economy has grown by 3.6 percent in 2005. In Romania, the economic growth for 2005 was 4,2- 4,5 percent of GDP, over half of the level reached in 2004, when the economic growth was 8, 3, according to the preliminary data presented by the State Minister Gheorghe Pogea. He showed that the growth rhythm of GDP was below the estimations made by the authorities, of 5,5-5,7 percent, the main cause being the unfavourable weather which prevented the achievement of infrastructure projects.
Introducing Nicolae Ceausescu, the reigning worst dictator in the history of Europe. A pig on all counts, this man treated Romania as his personal fiefdom through much of the twentieth century. While leading the country into economic ruin, he built lavish estates for he and his wife. While Romanians starved on the streets, he and his wife spent money like Joan Collins at a plastic surgeon. When he was finally expelled from office, the people were so outraged by his excess that he and his wife were literally stoned to death.
Iubesc satul romanesc. Mi se pare ca esenta Romaniei se afla la sat si imi pare rau cand il vad ocolit, ba chiar batjocorit Comoara voastra nationala, chiar identitatea nationala, este strans legata de soarta satului romanesc. In masura in care continuati sa il ignorati, sa-l pierdeti in scurt timp. Romania are cea mai mare civilizatie rurala autentica, vie din Europa. Nu intelegeti ca este lucrul care va defineste. sa va para rau pentru copiii vostri”, a raspuns Peter Hurley. Energia verde are marele merit de a nu emite noxe, dand sansa ca si urmasii nostri sa poata locui intr-un mediu sanatos.
In august, un alt lot de carnati din Romania a fost oprit de la comercializare in Italia din cauza ca produsul continea colorantii E 124 si E 129. La acea vreme, reprezentantii Autoritatii Nationale Sanitare Veterinare si pentru Siguranta Alimentelor (ANSVSA) explicau ca cei doi aditivi sunt autorizati in spatiul UE, dar nu in produsul respectiv, ci numai in anumite tipuri de carnati, precum chorizo si altele. Astfel, carnatii respectivi au fost opriti de la comercializare deoarece compozitia lor nu corespundea retetelor alimentare autorizate in UE, precizau sursele citate. The listing is part of wider privatisation commitments thatRomania has agreed with the International Monetary Fund under aseries of aid deals.
miercuri, 13 noiembrie 2013
Gay In Romania
By 2008, USB ports are expected in 73 percent of all new-model mobile phones, up from 30 percent in 2004, while music playback capability - including MP3 - is expected in 54 percent of new-model wireless handsets in 2008, up from 20 percent in 2004. Slots for removable flash-memory cards, which can be used to store and transfer music files are predicted to reach a 43 percent penetration rate of new phones by 2008, up from 16 percent in 2004. To avoid working against each other, service providers and their mobile-phone suppliers must carefully orchestrate the combination of handset features and services offered to subscribers, iSuppli believes.
members, particularly after 1972. The most famous of all was none other than Romanian former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation Council
Mention Romania and people immediately think of Dracula and a mid-evil country. Recovering from years of economic misery, Romania is quickly becoming the hidden jewel of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, the country didn't recover quickly. The last five years, however, have seen major advancements, and Romania is now a must visit location. Brasov is located in the hilly terrain of Transylvania and is a good place to visit. Located in the center of the country, Brasov is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. The city is a resounding example of old world Romania with an ancient center city square and little cafes throughout.
Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
Cum sa gestionezi un atac asupra unei infrastructuri critice, ce soluții pentru protecția datelor pot fi folosite in sistemele de tip cloud, sau cum trebuie abordate problemele legate de amenințarile informatice care vizeaza telefoanele mobile au fost doar cateva dintre subiectele discutate in cadrul workshop-ului desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai, organizat de catre Agenția ARNIEC/RoEduNet in parteneriat cu ENISA. Printre participanții la aceste dezbateri s-au aflat oficiali din structurile naționale și guvernamentale (denumite (CERT- Computer Emergency Response Team ) care se ocupa de protecția instituțiilor conectate la rețelele nationale de comunicații și de asistența tehnica in tratarea incidentelor de securitate.
De asemenea, Lexus IS poate fi echipat cu sistem audio Mark Levinson Premium Surround de ultimă generaţie, ce oferă una din cele mai rafinate experienţe audio disponibile în prezent la bordul unui autoturism. Mark Levinson colaborează cu Lexus în condiţii de exclusivitate de peste 12 ani, creând sisteme pentru particularităţile acustice specifice ale fiecărui Lexus în parte. Patru ani au fost necesari pentru a asigura armonizarea perfectă a sistemului de 835 waţi cu 12 canale şi 15 difuzoare cu habitaclul noului Lexus IS, obiectivul fiind furnizarea unui sunet de puritate echivalentă celei oferite de sală de concerte.
members, particularly after 1972. The most famous of all was none other than Romanian former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation Council
Mention Romania and people immediately think of Dracula and a mid-evil country. Recovering from years of economic misery, Romania is quickly becoming the hidden jewel of Eastern Europe. Unfortunately, the country didn't recover quickly. The last five years, however, have seen major advancements, and Romania is now a must visit location. Brasov is located in the hilly terrain of Transylvania and is a good place to visit. Located in the center of the country, Brasov is surrounded by the Carpathian Mountains. The city is a resounding example of old world Romania with an ancient center city square and little cafes throughout.
Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
Cum sa gestionezi un atac asupra unei infrastructuri critice, ce soluții pentru protecția datelor pot fi folosite in sistemele de tip cloud, sau cum trebuie abordate problemele legate de amenințarile informatice care vizeaza telefoanele mobile au fost doar cateva dintre subiectele discutate in cadrul workshop-ului desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai, organizat de catre Agenția ARNIEC/RoEduNet in parteneriat cu ENISA. Printre participanții la aceste dezbateri s-au aflat oficiali din structurile naționale și guvernamentale (denumite (CERT- Computer Emergency Response Team ) care se ocupa de protecția instituțiilor conectate la rețelele nationale de comunicații și de asistența tehnica in tratarea incidentelor de securitate.
De asemenea, Lexus IS poate fi echipat cu sistem audio Mark Levinson Premium Surround de ultimă generaţie, ce oferă una din cele mai rafinate experienţe audio disponibile în prezent la bordul unui autoturism. Mark Levinson colaborează cu Lexus în condiţii de exclusivitate de peste 12 ani, creând sisteme pentru particularităţile acustice specifice ale fiecărui Lexus în parte. Patru ani au fost necesari pentru a asigura armonizarea perfectă a sistemului de 835 waţi cu 12 canale şi 15 difuzoare cu habitaclul noului Lexus IS, obiectivul fiind furnizarea unui sunet de puritate echivalentă celei oferite de sală de concerte.
marți, 12 noiembrie 2013
The Many Benefits Of The Extagen Ingredient
CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.
Cei din stradă sunt dintre cei care s-au trezit. Pentru eistatul nu este întreprindere paternă ci mai degrabă un partener. Un partenercăruia îi plătesc taxe și îl mandatează astfel să gestioneze organizarea viețiicolective. Cei din stradă nu mai sunt dispuși decât la relație echitabilă custatul. Doar că statul( a se citi guvernele) ne-a înșelat în repetate rânduri șiasta a devenit inacceptabil pentru continuarea relației. Și pentru asta semărșăluiește in fiecare duminică printre blocurile care moțăie filial în fațatelevizoarelor unde nu se transmit imagini cu cei 20000 de mii care tocmai trecpe sub balconul tău. În definitiv ce poate fi mai orwellian
Va prezentam numerele Castigatoare la jocul Bingo Romania din 11.08.2013. Lista castigatorilor la Bingo Romania 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare la Bingo Romania. Castigatori Bingo Romania 11 AUGUST. Linie Bingo Romania 11 August 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Once called the “Paris of the East.” Romania covers 237,500 sq km and the total population is 22.5 million. Apart from Romanian the languages spoken are Hungarian and German. The ancestors of Romanians are the Dacians which were fierce warriors. They were subdued by the Romans under Trajan. It left a footnote in the form of the Latin language.
This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Consiliul Național al Audiovizualului a decis în ședința de joi să trimită România TV scrisoare de atenționare prin care-i cere să respecte decizia instanței de a suspenda folosirea mărcii la RTV, deținută de Realitatea Media În plus, consiliul a considerat că una dintre cele două variante de sigle folosite de post induce în eroare, după cum a relatat AICI Primul studiu dedicat pietei locale de afiliere derulat de 2Parale, care include raspunsurile a 851 de afiliati romani, informatiile fiind colectate exclusiv online prin intermediul unui chestionar, in perioada 29 martie-28 aprilie 2013.
Efectuand peste 15000 de recuperari de date in fiecare luna, tehnologia multi-platforma dezvoltata de catre EVault ofera companiilor un model flexibil, construit pe baza nevoilor acestora. Fie ca este vorba de un proiect de stocare a datelor la sediul companiei, ori intr- locatie agreata de catre parteneri, EVault are solutia. Gestionand 12 data centere raspandite pe tot Globul, dintre care 3 in Europa, expertii EVault sunt pregatiti sa intervina 24/7/365 pentru a asigura buna functionare a companiilor ale caror date sunt protejate. Hotelurile noastre ofera spatii special amenajate pentru conferinte sau work shop-uri, precum si sali pentru spectacole si evenimente cu caracter cultural.
In urma cu 4 ani, strangeam intr-un post pe blog prima serie de statistici despre social media. Si am continuat asa pana acum un an, cand dupa serie de schimbari facute de Google Ad Planner, am ramas fara importante date despre piata social media in Romania. Am abandonat asadar tot demersul meu. Cum cifrele mele au fost mereu utile oamenilor din agentii si companii si am tot prezentat in conferinte si training-uri serie de statistici, am decis sa reiau, cu tot ce am disponibil acum, seria de posturi lunare. The producer of the Julius Meinl coffee brand is preparing to develop a network of coffee shops in a franchise system.
Horse crap!" he said, as he trimmed a mutton carcass. "The French just want to denigrate us. The British? They are even worse." But Craciun is pained at the way horses in Romania are frequently seen as fit only for the slaughterhouse. He said he paid twice what the local abattoir was offering to secure his first horse and now owns 14, eight of which he rescued from the slaughterhouse. BUCHAREST Aug 28 (Reuters) - Romania will begin the initialpublic offering of a 10 percent stake in state-owned nuclearpower producer Nuclearelectrica on Sept. 9, a governmentofficial was quoted as saying.
Am mai scris pe subiectul acesta. Stiu ca exista numeroase discutii – unele in contradictoriu – dar ar fi important sa fie facute compromisurile necesare astfel incat Romania sa beneficieze cat mai curand de noile resurse energetice si sa poata chiar exporta energie, eventual prin cablul submarin spre Turcia sau construind impreuna cu Bulgaria cele doua unitati de la Cernavoda. Desserts are usually crepes filled with fruits or cherry streudel. Other desserts in Romania include baclava, which is sweet layered pastry; sponge cake known as pandispan; rice pudding or orez cu lapte; and gingerbread or turta dulce.
Cei din stradă sunt dintre cei care s-au trezit. Pentru eistatul nu este întreprindere paternă ci mai degrabă un partener. Un partenercăruia îi plătesc taxe și îl mandatează astfel să gestioneze organizarea viețiicolective. Cei din stradă nu mai sunt dispuși decât la relație echitabilă custatul. Doar că statul( a se citi guvernele) ne-a înșelat în repetate rânduri șiasta a devenit inacceptabil pentru continuarea relației. Și pentru asta semărșăluiește in fiecare duminică printre blocurile care moțăie filial în fațatelevizoarelor unde nu se transmit imagini cu cei 20000 de mii care tocmai trecpe sub balconul tău. În definitiv ce poate fi mai orwellian
Va prezentam numerele Castigatoare la jocul Bingo Romania din 11.08.2013. Lista castigatorilor la Bingo Romania 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare la Bingo Romania. Castigatori Bingo Romania 11 AUGUST. Linie Bingo Romania 11 August 2013 - Bilete Castigatoare. The capital of Romania is Bucharest. Once called the “Paris of the East.” Romania covers 237,500 sq km and the total population is 22.5 million. Apart from Romanian the languages spoken are Hungarian and German. The ancestors of Romanians are the Dacians which were fierce warriors. They were subdued by the Romans under Trajan. It left a footnote in the form of the Latin language.
This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.
Consiliul Național al Audiovizualului a decis în ședința de joi să trimită România TV scrisoare de atenționare prin care-i cere să respecte decizia instanței de a suspenda folosirea mărcii la RTV, deținută de Realitatea Media În plus, consiliul a considerat că una dintre cele două variante de sigle folosite de post induce în eroare, după cum a relatat AICI Primul studiu dedicat pietei locale de afiliere derulat de 2Parale, care include raspunsurile a 851 de afiliati romani, informatiile fiind colectate exclusiv online prin intermediul unui chestionar, in perioada 29 martie-28 aprilie 2013.
Efectuand peste 15000 de recuperari de date in fiecare luna, tehnologia multi-platforma dezvoltata de catre EVault ofera companiilor un model flexibil, construit pe baza nevoilor acestora. Fie ca este vorba de un proiect de stocare a datelor la sediul companiei, ori intr- locatie agreata de catre parteneri, EVault are solutia. Gestionand 12 data centere raspandite pe tot Globul, dintre care 3 in Europa, expertii EVault sunt pregatiti sa intervina 24/7/365 pentru a asigura buna functionare a companiilor ale caror date sunt protejate. Hotelurile noastre ofera spatii special amenajate pentru conferinte sau work shop-uri, precum si sali pentru spectacole si evenimente cu caracter cultural.
In urma cu 4 ani, strangeam intr-un post pe blog prima serie de statistici despre social media. Si am continuat asa pana acum un an, cand dupa serie de schimbari facute de Google Ad Planner, am ramas fara importante date despre piata social media in Romania. Am abandonat asadar tot demersul meu. Cum cifrele mele au fost mereu utile oamenilor din agentii si companii si am tot prezentat in conferinte si training-uri serie de statistici, am decis sa reiau, cu tot ce am disponibil acum, seria de posturi lunare. The producer of the Julius Meinl coffee brand is preparing to develop a network of coffee shops in a franchise system.
Horse crap!" he said, as he trimmed a mutton carcass. "The French just want to denigrate us. The British? They are even worse." But Craciun is pained at the way horses in Romania are frequently seen as fit only for the slaughterhouse. He said he paid twice what the local abattoir was offering to secure his first horse and now owns 14, eight of which he rescued from the slaughterhouse. BUCHAREST Aug 28 (Reuters) - Romania will begin the initialpublic offering of a 10 percent stake in state-owned nuclearpower producer Nuclearelectrica on Sept. 9, a governmentofficial was quoted as saying.
Am mai scris pe subiectul acesta. Stiu ca exista numeroase discutii – unele in contradictoriu – dar ar fi important sa fie facute compromisurile necesare astfel incat Romania sa beneficieze cat mai curand de noile resurse energetice si sa poata chiar exporta energie, eventual prin cablul submarin spre Turcia sau construind impreuna cu Bulgaria cele doua unitati de la Cernavoda. Desserts are usually crepes filled with fruits or cherry streudel. Other desserts in Romania include baclava, which is sweet layered pastry; sponge cake known as pandispan; rice pudding or orez cu lapte; and gingerbread or turta dulce.
sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2013
A Schimbat Sigla După Atenționarea CNA
I have a big question mark above my head seeing that Google is not there. With their famous 20% "work-for-your-own-projects" time concept? Still, Microsoft, where they throw chairs at those who leave for Google, is on 42nd place. Recently, Blogger introduced a "word verification box" at the end of the posting window for each post you enter on your blogspot blog. This is a typical (and a very annoying, in my opinion) way of fighting against spam. P.S. To disable it, just click on the "? in a yellow circle" icon near "Word verification" on the bottom of your posting window on Blogger.
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
So far, this is the most popular city in Romania and is the capital of Transylvania. As such, there are a lot of places to see here like the many museums such as the National Art Museum ad the National Museum of the History of Transylvania. Or you can always visit its parks like the Botanical Garden as well as Central Park. The main tourist destination here is the Suceava Fortress. This ancient fortress was erected during the 14th and 15th century and was made more impressive by Stephen the Great. As such, this was never overpowered by attackers.
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
The two main characteristics of the modern day vampires as we know from Eastern European folklore is blood sucking and the creatures ability to transcend death. The theme of the "undead" adds to the horror of the vampire nonhuman identity. Depending upon the culture vampires could be dark and hooded, pale, have long talons, or fanged teeth etc. Furthermore how the vampire came into being also varies with cultures, in European history we know to be bitten by a vampire is how to become one (remember the Dracula Hollywood movies). In Chinese folklore, if an animal jumped over a corpse it was feared that it would become the "Undead".
On the other hand, people here are friendly, they like spending time with their work mates over a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and a chat in the case of women. Most of the Romanians are hospitable and flexible, and they consider that living in Romania has improved a lot in the last 17 years. As far as their work is concerned, they usually have their rhythm, which seems quite slow to people like French, for example. Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 4 August 2013 - Castigatori Bingo Romania 04.08.2013. Duminica de la 22.00 pe AcasaTV Bingo Romania numerele extrase, Bingo Romania 4 AUGUST.
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
So far, this is the most popular city in Romania and is the capital of Transylvania. As such, there are a lot of places to see here like the many museums such as the National Art Museum ad the National Museum of the History of Transylvania. Or you can always visit its parks like the Botanical Garden as well as Central Park. The main tourist destination here is the Suceava Fortress. This ancient fortress was erected during the 14th and 15th century and was made more impressive by Stephen the Great. As such, this was never overpowered by attackers.
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
The two main characteristics of the modern day vampires as we know from Eastern European folklore is blood sucking and the creatures ability to transcend death. The theme of the "undead" adds to the horror of the vampire nonhuman identity. Depending upon the culture vampires could be dark and hooded, pale, have long talons, or fanged teeth etc. Furthermore how the vampire came into being also varies with cultures, in European history we know to be bitten by a vampire is how to become one (remember the Dracula Hollywood movies). In Chinese folklore, if an animal jumped over a corpse it was feared that it would become the "Undead".
On the other hand, people here are friendly, they like spending time with their work mates over a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and a chat in the case of women. Most of the Romanians are hospitable and flexible, and they consider that living in Romania has improved a lot in the last 17 years. As far as their work is concerned, they usually have their rhythm, which seems quite slow to people like French, for example. Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 4 August 2013 - Castigatori Bingo Romania 04.08.2013. Duminica de la 22.00 pe AcasaTV Bingo Romania numerele extrase, Bingo Romania 4 AUGUST.
joi, 7 noiembrie 2013
Nu Ati Avut Niciodata Prieteni, Doar Vecini Care Au Vrut Sa Va Foloseasca
An exciting discovery has been made in Venice, Italy in March of 2009. A team of archeologists was digging a gravesite on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, in Venice looking for some clues to the remains of plague victims in the middle ages, in 1576, when they serendipitously found a female skeleton with her mouth stuffed with a brick. What is exciting about this find is that it was the practice in the 1500's in Italy to stuff the mouth of a vampire with a brick. Borrini presented his findings to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver, Colorado.
Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
Se poate să nici nu fi auzit despre acest film și este adevărat că nu poți să nu devii subiectiv într-un astfel de clasament. Filmul lui Jean Marc Valee ( a mai regizat și The Young Victoria) despre relația dintre un tată care nu poate accepta ideea homosexualității în familia sa și fiul gay care încearcă să nu își asculte chemarea ( nici urmă de melodramă în toată povestea) se mai găsește prin câteva clasamente, dar încă este greu de distins în masa largă de filme de gen. Voi însă puteți deja să îl încercați. Cred însă că va fi mai mult decât atât.![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Mai bine de jumatate dintre afiliati reinvestesc diverse sume pentru a atrage castiguri si mai consistente. Aproape treime reinvestesc intre 1% si 20% dintre veniturile din afiliere, iar 11% chiar si peste 61% dintre castiguri. Mai multe informatii sunt in infograficul de mai jos. Toate cifrele din infografic reprezinta procentul din numarul de respondenti care au optat pentru raspunsul respectiv. Unele intrebari din chestionar au avut raspuns multiplu, iar procentele sunt aproximate pentru a exclude zecimalele. Sistemul european de alerta alimentara (RASFF) a introdus pe lista produselor interzise in spatiul comunitar, la sesizarea Italiei, un lot de carnati fabricati in Romania care contin un colorant alimentar nedeclarat – E 129.
Conducerea Fondului Monetar International a aprobat, vineri, scrisoarea de intentie transmisa de autoritatile de la Bucuresti in vederea incheierii unui nou acord cu Romania, au declarat pentru Agerpres surse oficiale.Guvernul a cerut aprobarea unui acord preventiv in valoare de aproximativ doua miliarde de euro, pentru perioada de doi ani, la care se adauga alte doua miliarde de euro de la Comisia Europeana. Acesta este al treilea acord solicitat de Romania Fondului Monetar International, de la declansarea crizei economice. Primul a fost incheiat in 2009, iar al doilea, de tip preventiv, in 2011.Potrivit premierului Victor Ponta, proiectul final de scrisoare de intentie a fost trimis FMI pe 12 septembrie.
Detinem cea mai mare tabara din tara dedicata copiilor si tineretului. Tabara de la Navodari primeste in fiecare vara copii si tineri care se bucura de programe speciale coordonate de instructori experimentati, acces in baze sportive amenajate pentru jocuri de echipa sau individuale, programe culturale si de divertisment organizate pe scena teatrului de vara sau agrement pe plaja cu nisip fin. Le multumim inca data partenerilor nostri pentru aceasta apreciere si ii asiguram ca vom mentine si in viitor acelasi profesionalism in relatia cu ei. La receptie au fost prezenti invitati de marca, reprezentanti de varf ai Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara si ai top management-ului companiilor de asigurari.
Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
Se poate să nici nu fi auzit despre acest film și este adevărat că nu poți să nu devii subiectiv într-un astfel de clasament. Filmul lui Jean Marc Valee ( a mai regizat și The Young Victoria) despre relația dintre un tată care nu poate accepta ideea homosexualității în familia sa și fiul gay care încearcă să nu își asculte chemarea ( nici urmă de melodramă în toată povestea) se mai găsește prin câteva clasamente, dar încă este greu de distins în masa largă de filme de gen. Voi însă puteți deja să îl încercați. Cred însă că va fi mai mult decât atât.
Mai bine de jumatate dintre afiliati reinvestesc diverse sume pentru a atrage castiguri si mai consistente. Aproape treime reinvestesc intre 1% si 20% dintre veniturile din afiliere, iar 11% chiar si peste 61% dintre castiguri. Mai multe informatii sunt in infograficul de mai jos. Toate cifrele din infografic reprezinta procentul din numarul de respondenti care au optat pentru raspunsul respectiv. Unele intrebari din chestionar au avut raspuns multiplu, iar procentele sunt aproximate pentru a exclude zecimalele. Sistemul european de alerta alimentara (RASFF) a introdus pe lista produselor interzise in spatiul comunitar, la sesizarea Italiei, un lot de carnati fabricati in Romania care contin un colorant alimentar nedeclarat – E 129.
Conducerea Fondului Monetar International a aprobat, vineri, scrisoarea de intentie transmisa de autoritatile de la Bucuresti in vederea incheierii unui nou acord cu Romania, au declarat pentru Agerpres surse oficiale.Guvernul a cerut aprobarea unui acord preventiv in valoare de aproximativ doua miliarde de euro, pentru perioada de doi ani, la care se adauga alte doua miliarde de euro de la Comisia Europeana. Acesta este al treilea acord solicitat de Romania Fondului Monetar International, de la declansarea crizei economice. Primul a fost incheiat in 2009, iar al doilea, de tip preventiv, in 2011.Potrivit premierului Victor Ponta, proiectul final de scrisoare de intentie a fost trimis FMI pe 12 septembrie.
Detinem cea mai mare tabara din tara dedicata copiilor si tineretului. Tabara de la Navodari primeste in fiecare vara copii si tineri care se bucura de programe speciale coordonate de instructori experimentati, acces in baze sportive amenajate pentru jocuri de echipa sau individuale, programe culturale si de divertisment organizate pe scena teatrului de vara sau agrement pe plaja cu nisip fin. Le multumim inca data partenerilor nostri pentru aceasta apreciere si ii asiguram ca vom mentine si in viitor acelasi profesionalism in relatia cu ei. La receptie au fost prezenti invitati de marca, reprezentanti de varf ai Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara si ai top management-ului companiilor de asigurari.
Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
marți, 5 noiembrie 2013
King Michael I Of Romania, The Reign And The Exile
Walking back down the rocky beach there was some sort of dance festival going on. It reminded me of times when my own dance school had danced at the capitol or different town greens. I made my friend watch for a while. We got hungry so we ventured down to the park again that was covered with palm trees and green grass. We sat on a bench, talked, and ate. The sun peaked through the trees and we were able to capture some amazing photos. There were some gorgeous buildings with balconies nearby. It was interesting to watch.
In the countryside, peasants have a more pragmatic relationship with their animals, and look after them rather like an owner services a car. But with costs between €100 ($135) and €150 ($200) to keep a horse every month — up to 40 percent of the average national salary — it can be far too expensive for subsistence farmers to afford them. Horses are expensive to keep and many owners have been forced to give them up, especially since they were banned from cities," said Nicu Stoica, a riding instructor who owns several horses.
Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.![Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet]()
Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 13 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 15-09-2013. is proud to be the #1 web spot about Romania since almost 15 years. We are the first portal site ever set up on the global Internet, focussing exclusively on Romania- a land flowing with culture, fascinating history and wonderful landscapes. Since our start in 1996 we delivered billions of pages and currently serve with our group of sites more than 1.5 Million unique visitors per month.
Irish author Bram Stroker based his horror novel Dracula, on the fifteenth century prince Vlad Dracul. The castle still lies in Romania and forms a tourist attraction. Vlad was called the Impaler because he would punish people by impaling them! In 1886 Karl of Hohenzollern, a German prince was chosen as Romania’s king. Ferdinand I became the King of Romania in 1914 and his wife Marie was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria. During the Second Balkan War, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Romania all fought against Bulgaria. What happened to the president in 1989? He was executed!
Tu, familia ta, rudele tale, dețin casă cu mică grădină și ai ghinionul ca sub ele sau într- zonă vecină să se afle resurse naturale pe care companie privată a pus ochii. Nu te bucura, compania poate decide ca tu să fii scos afară din casa ta, de pe proprietatea ta pentru că terenul tău îi este util ei. Îți dă despăgubire de nimic și te scote afară din casa pe care si face una cu pămantul în câteva zile. Tu nu poți să faci nimic, deoarece între stat și companie există un acord care anulează aplicarea oricărei legi, îți anuleazaă orice drept!
In the countryside, peasants have a more pragmatic relationship with their animals, and look after them rather like an owner services a car. But with costs between €100 ($135) and €150 ($200) to keep a horse every month — up to 40 percent of the average national salary — it can be far too expensive for subsistence farmers to afford them. Horses are expensive to keep and many owners have been forced to give them up, especially since they were banned from cities," said Nicu Stoica, a riding instructor who owns several horses.
Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.
Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 13 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 15-09-2013. is proud to be the #1 web spot about Romania since almost 15 years. We are the first portal site ever set up on the global Internet, focussing exclusively on Romania- a land flowing with culture, fascinating history and wonderful landscapes. Since our start in 1996 we delivered billions of pages and currently serve with our group of sites more than 1.5 Million unique visitors per month.
Irish author Bram Stroker based his horror novel Dracula, on the fifteenth century prince Vlad Dracul. The castle still lies in Romania and forms a tourist attraction. Vlad was called the Impaler because he would punish people by impaling them! In 1886 Karl of Hohenzollern, a German prince was chosen as Romania’s king. Ferdinand I became the King of Romania in 1914 and his wife Marie was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria. During the Second Balkan War, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Romania all fought against Bulgaria. What happened to the president in 1989? He was executed!
Tu, familia ta, rudele tale, dețin casă cu mică grădină și ai ghinionul ca sub ele sau într- zonă vecină să se afle resurse naturale pe care companie privată a pus ochii. Nu te bucura, compania poate decide ca tu să fii scos afară din casa ta, de pe proprietatea ta pentru că terenul tău îi este util ei. Îți dă despăgubire de nimic și te scote afară din casa pe care si face una cu pămantul în câteva zile. Tu nu poți să faci nimic, deoarece între stat și companie există un acord care anulează aplicarea oricărei legi, îți anuleazaă orice drept!
duminică, 3 noiembrie 2013
Romanian Game Developers Association – Asociatie Dedicata Dezvoltatorilor De Jocuri Din Romania
The Carpathian Mountains are visually stunning. While there are attractions throughout the mountains, such as Bran Castle, don't try to simply visit a particular place. Instead, rent a car in Brasov or hire a driver and just go for a ride. The scenery is so overwhelming it is hard to describe. You'll drive down and up into gorges that seem endless, see rivers bombing down mountain sides and see animals only found in National Geographic documentaries. Go for this drive and I guarantee you will be blabbering about it for at least five days.
The term Trovant is specific to the Romanian geological literature and was introduced first by the naturalist Gh. M. Murgoci in his work "The Tertiary in Oltenia".Trovants, also known as "growing stones", are geological formations found in sand accumulations and sandstone deposits cemented by waters rich in calcium carbonate. They appear as mineral units, nodular, spherical or cylindrical with massive, concentric or plain structure ranging from a few millimeters to several meters. The trovants have a hard stone core, but their shells are made of sand. After every heavy rain shower, these stones in Central Romania display this unusual characteristic of self multiplication and growth.
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Iubesc satul romanesc. Mi se pare ca esenta Romaniei se afla la sat si imi pare rau cand il vad ocolit, ba chiar batjocorit Comoara voastra nationala, chiar identitatea nationala, este strans legata de soarta satului romanesc. In masura in care continuati sa il ignorati, sa-l pierdeti in scurt timp. Romania are cea mai mare civilizatie rurala autentica, vie din Europa. Nu intelegeti ca este lucrul care va defineste. sa va para rau pentru copiii vostri”, a raspuns Peter Hurley. Energia verde are marele merit de a nu emite noxe, dand sansa ca si urmasii nostri sa poata locui intr-un mediu sanatos.
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
L-am văzut de două ori și de fiecare dată mi-a fost foarte ușor să îl subevaluez. Cred că s-a întâmplat asta pentru că povestea filmului pare a fi guvernată de clișeele în care se învârt multe dintre filmele gay comerciale și chiar didactice. Shelter însă e diferit, iar un semn care îmi spune asta este că a reușit să rămână cu mine împotriva reproșurilor pe care i le-am avut de făcut, pe care între timp le-am și înlăturat. Shelter se simte real și verificat ( cum am făcut eu) este chiar foarte palpabil Mai este și un film micuț, nepretențios și parcă și un pic inițiatic.
Trei luni mai tarziu, un fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin m-a sunat sa-mi povesteasca despre Romania si de planul lui de a porni firma de consultanta in marketing, ceea ce faceam impreuna in Irlanda pana atunci. Am venit fara sa stau pe ganduri. Nu uitasem nici unde exact se afla Romania pe harta. Asa ca pot sa zic ca eram setat sa locuiesc pe termen lung in Romania, inca dinainte de a ajunge aici. Lucrurile au mers de la sine, firma a crescut si niciodata nu m-am uitat inapoi”, isi aminteste Peter inceputurile sale alaturi de Mercury Romania.
Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
The term Trovant is specific to the Romanian geological literature and was introduced first by the naturalist Gh. M. Murgoci in his work "The Tertiary in Oltenia".Trovants, also known as "growing stones", are geological formations found in sand accumulations and sandstone deposits cemented by waters rich in calcium carbonate. They appear as mineral units, nodular, spherical or cylindrical with massive, concentric or plain structure ranging from a few millimeters to several meters. The trovants have a hard stone core, but their shells are made of sand. After every heavy rain shower, these stones in Central Romania display this unusual characteristic of self multiplication and growth.
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Iubesc satul romanesc. Mi se pare ca esenta Romaniei se afla la sat si imi pare rau cand il vad ocolit, ba chiar batjocorit Comoara voastra nationala, chiar identitatea nationala, este strans legata de soarta satului romanesc. In masura in care continuati sa il ignorati, sa-l pierdeti in scurt timp. Romania are cea mai mare civilizatie rurala autentica, vie din Europa. Nu intelegeti ca este lucrul care va defineste. sa va para rau pentru copiii vostri”, a raspuns Peter Hurley. Energia verde are marele merit de a nu emite noxe, dand sansa ca si urmasii nostri sa poata locui intr-un mediu sanatos.
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
L-am văzut de două ori și de fiecare dată mi-a fost foarte ușor să îl subevaluez. Cred că s-a întâmplat asta pentru că povestea filmului pare a fi guvernată de clișeele în care se învârt multe dintre filmele gay comerciale și chiar didactice. Shelter însă e diferit, iar un semn care îmi spune asta este că a reușit să rămână cu mine împotriva reproșurilor pe care i le-am avut de făcut, pe care între timp le-am și înlăturat. Shelter se simte real și verificat ( cum am făcut eu) este chiar foarte palpabil Mai este și un film micuț, nepretențios și parcă și un pic inițiatic.
Trei luni mai tarziu, un fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin m-a sunat sa-mi povesteasca despre Romania si de planul lui de a porni firma de consultanta in marketing, ceea ce faceam impreuna in Irlanda pana atunci. Am venit fara sa stau pe ganduri. Nu uitasem nici unde exact se afla Romania pe harta. Asa ca pot sa zic ca eram setat sa locuiesc pe termen lung in Romania, inca dinainte de a ajunge aici. Lucrurile au mers de la sine, firma a crescut si niciodata nu m-am uitat inapoi”, isi aminteste Peter inceputurile sale alaturi de Mercury Romania.
Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
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