I have a big question mark above my head seeing that Google is not there. With their famous 20% "work-for-your-own-projects" time concept? Still, Microsoft, where they throw chairs at those who leave for Google, is on 42nd place. Recently, Blogger introduced a "word verification box" at the end of the posting window for each post you enter on your blogspot blog. This is a typical (and a very annoying, in my opinion) way of fighting against spam. P.S. To disable it, just click on the "? in a yellow circle" icon near "Word verification" on the bottom of your posting window on Blogger.
L-am intrebat ce iubeste la tara noastra si pe primul loc a mentionat limba romana. “Iubesc limba romana. Este ca un cantec. Imi place sa vorbesc. Iubesc istoria si trecutul Romaniei. Inca mai aflu lucruri despre istoria Romaniei dar cred ca seamana mult cu cea a Irlandei, in esenta. Romania este tara care aproape miraculos a reusit sa reziste La cate intorsaturi a luat istoria si soarta, drumul Romaniei a fost aproape inimaginabil de greu, cu multe tragedii si multe nedreptati. Pe de alta parte, dupa 20 de ani de locuit in Romania, Peter si-a dat seama ca tara noastra este una aparte.
So far, this is the most popular city in Romania and is the capital of Transylvania. As such, there are a lot of places to see here like the many museums such as the National Art Museum ad the National Museum of the History of Transylvania. Or you can always visit its parks like the Botanical Garden as well as Central Park. The main tourist destination here is the Suceava Fortress. This ancient fortress was erected during the 14th and 15th century and was made more impressive by Stephen the Great. As such, this was never overpowered by attackers.
Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.
The two main characteristics of the modern day vampires as we know from Eastern European folklore is blood sucking and the creatures ability to transcend death. The theme of the "undead" adds to the horror of the vampire nonhuman identity. Depending upon the culture vampires could be dark and hooded, pale, have long talons, or fanged teeth etc. Furthermore how the vampire came into being also varies with cultures, in European history we know to be bitten by a vampire is how to become one (remember the Dracula Hollywood movies). In Chinese folklore, if an animal jumped over a corpse it was feared that it would become the "Undead".
On the other hand, people here are friendly, they like spending time with their work mates over a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a cup of coffee and a chat in the case of women. Most of the Romanians are hospitable and flexible, and they consider that living in Romania has improved a lot in the last 17 years. As far as their work is concerned, they usually have their rhythm, which seems quite slow to people like French, for example. Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 4 August 2013 - Castigatori Bingo Romania 04.08.2013. Duminica de la 22.00 pe AcasaTV Bingo Romania numerele extrase, Bingo Romania 4 AUGUST.
sâmbătă, 9 noiembrie 2013
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