Parteneriatul strategic dintre Infodesign si EVault aduce pe piata locala solutie de top, cu avantaje si beneficii scalabile atat pentru partenerii nostri cat si pentru clientii acestora. Adaugam astfel noua dimensiune portofoliului nostru de produse si servicii, deschizand noi oportunitati pe piata IT din ce in ce mai matura” a declarat Ileana Ionescu, CEO Infodesign Group SA. Suntem pregatiti in orice moment sa oferim vacante personalizate atat turistilor de sejour cat si copiilor si tinerilor in tabere si hoteluri special amenajate sau oamenilor de afaceri, persoanelor cu probleme de sanatate precum si celor ce incearca sa scape de stressul cotidian evadand intr-un mediu relaxant, la sfarsit de saptamana.
Nu vreau să mă declar nici un atotștiutor. Un motiv pentru care am amânat ceva timp această listă a fost dat de filmele ce încă le mai aveam de descoperit. Mi-am dat însă seama că lista asta nu se va micșora niciodată ( ceea ce e foarte bine). Nici nu apuci să vezi primul film într- limbă fără mare circulație internațională că afli de altul care teoretic merita mai degrabă vizionare. Treci peste primul Aapicahtpong Weerasethakul și descoperi că există și un Julian Hernandez. Iar amânările fac parte din descoperirea multor capodopere. Într- zi poate veți ajunge și la ele.
Scandia Romana, producer of Sibiu and Bucegi pate brands posted a 76 percent increase in the turnover for 2005, up to some 38 million EUR, Bursa reports. The increased turnover has strengthened the company's leading position of the pate market, with a share of 56 percent. According to the company's management the most important increases were posted for Pate Sibiu, Pate Bucegi, Pate Poiana and Pate Sadu brands. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS) believes that the FDI volume attracted by Romania in 2005 represented a record, even if the privatization of the Romanian Commercial Bank will be cashed in this year.
Autoritatile europene au luat aceasta decizie la solicitarea Ministerului italian al Sanatatii, care, conform site-ului de profil Il Fatto Alimentare, a transmis sesizari privind carnatii suspecti fabricati in Romania si privind alte zece produse, doua provenind din state membre UE – peste din Spania care ar contine mercur peste limita si suc de mere din Suedia cu continut mare de sulfiti. Rosu allura (E 129) este un colorant sintetic rosu-portocaliu folosit in dulciuri, bauturi, condimente, medicamente si produse cosmetice. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, colorantul sintetic E 129 este acceptat, dar nu este recomandat consumului de catre copii. Unele state – Danemarca, Belgia, Franta – au interzis acest colorant.
Efectuand peste 15000 de recuperari de date in fiecare luna, tehnologia multi-platforma dezvoltata de catre EVault ofera companiilor un model flexibil, construit pe baza nevoilor acestora. Fie ca este vorba de un proiect de stocare a datelor la sediul companiei, ori intr- locatie agreata de catre parteneri, EVault are solutia. Gestionand 12 data centere raspandite pe tot Globul, dintre care 3 in Europa, expertii EVault sunt pregatiti sa intervina 24/7/365 pentru a asigura buna functionare a companiilor ale caror date sunt protejate. Hotelurile noastre ofera spatii special amenajate pentru conferinte sau work shop-uri, precum si sali pentru spectacole si evenimente cu caracter cultural.
So one of the most sensitive issues in the current crisis of Romanian leadership is the question of public sector wages, and this whole question has a long history. What happened back in 2009 was not a case of long established living standards being suddenly slashed, it was a case of them being cut back to where they were before they were raised in an unsustainable way in order to win elections. As I said in my December 2008 post " Romania's Economy Heads Off Quietly And With No Fanfares Into It's Deepest Crisis in a Decade
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
But family life is of utmost importance to the average Romanian. A traditional Romanian family still sits down together at meal time. This is all more true in case of family businesses. The point of telling you all this is to let you understand that Romania has become an industrialized nation. In fact, agriculture is suffering there, as a large part of the agricultural work force has moved to industry. However, people here are quite a friendly sort. They like hanging out with their friends over beer, coffee, or wine. They also like chatting with the women.
joi, 28 noiembrie 2013
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