In the countryside, peasants have a more pragmatic relationship with their animals, and look after them rather like an owner services a car. But with costs between €100 ($135) and €150 ($200) to keep a horse every month — up to 40 percent of the average national salary — it can be far too expensive for subsistence farmers to afford them. Horses are expensive to keep and many owners have been forced to give them up, especially since they were banned from cities," said Nicu Stoica, a riding instructor who owns several horses.
Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.
Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 13 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 15-09-2013. is proud to be the #1 web spot about Romania since almost 15 years. We are the first portal site ever set up on the global Internet, focussing exclusively on Romania- a land flowing with culture, fascinating history and wonderful landscapes. Since our start in 1996 we delivered billions of pages and currently serve with our group of sites more than 1.5 Million unique visitors per month.
Irish author Bram Stroker based his horror novel Dracula, on the fifteenth century prince Vlad Dracul. The castle still lies in Romania and forms a tourist attraction. Vlad was called the Impaler because he would punish people by impaling them! In 1886 Karl of Hohenzollern, a German prince was chosen as Romania’s king. Ferdinand I became the King of Romania in 1914 and his wife Marie was the granddaughter of Queen Victoria. During the Second Balkan War, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Romania all fought against Bulgaria. What happened to the president in 1989? He was executed!
Tu, familia ta, rudele tale, dețin casă cu mică grădină și ai ghinionul ca sub ele sau într- zonă vecină să se afle resurse naturale pe care companie privată a pus ochii. Nu te bucura, compania poate decide ca tu să fii scos afară din casa ta, de pe proprietatea ta pentru că terenul tău îi este util ei. Îți dă despăgubire de nimic și te scote afară din casa pe care si face una cu pămantul în câteva zile. Tu nu poți să faci nimic, deoarece între stat și companie există un acord care anulează aplicarea oricărei legi, îți anuleazaă orice drept!
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