miercuri, 30 octombrie 2013

Lista Castigatori Bingo Romania 11 August 2013 VIDEO ~ Bingo Romania 2013

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Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.

Eu sunt un anti-naţionalist şi un slab patriot, nimic nu mi se pare mai sforăitor şi ieftin decât citare din imnul naţional. Şi totuşi, situaţia de azi e descrisă foarte corect în termenii (numai în aparenţă lirici) “acum ori niciodată, croieşte-ţi altă soartă”. Mulţi români văd în acest cântec manifestare a demnităţii noastre fundamentale; eu citesc mai degrabă frustrarea seculară a unui neam de sclavi, iobagi şi servitori. Însă servitutea nu e nicăieri altundeva decât în suflet. Ea e renunţare individuală la libertate şi autodeterminare, şi nici ‘povară istorică’, tradiţională sau comunitară nu poate justifica.

Autoritatile europene au luat aceasta decizie la solicitarea Ministerului italian al Sanatatii, care, conform site-ului de profil Il Fatto Alimentare, a transmis sesizari privind carnatii suspecti fabricati in Romania si privind alte zece produse, doua provenind din state membre UE – peste din Spania care ar contine mercur peste limita si suc de mere din Suedia cu continut mare de sulfiti. Rosu allura (E 129) este un colorant sintetic rosu-portocaliu folosit in dulciuri, bauturi, condimente, medicamente si produse cosmetice. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, colorantul sintetic E 129 este acceptat, dar nu este recomandat consumului de catre copii. Unele state – Danemarca, Belgia, Franta – au interzis acest colorant.Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.

L-am invitat sa spuna si ce-l enerveaza la Romania si a mentionat autostrada Bechtel, avioanele multi-rol si modul in care sunt acordate subventiile pentru agricultori. “Nu ar trebui sa le spun, le stiti deja. Unul se numeste autostrada Bechtel. Altul ar fi cele 638 de milioane de euro cheltuite pentru 12 avioane de vanatoare la mana a doua care au nevoie de modernizare. Ar mai si faptul ca un fermier cu mie de hectare primeste subventie de mie de ori mai mare decat cel cu un hectar. Pun pariu ca fermierul cu un hectar transpira mai mult”, a spus Peter.

Participantii la evenimentul de lansare a EVault in Romania au avut ocazia de vedea la fata locului cum functioneaza solutiile EVault. Martin Pesa, Presales Engineer, a facut demonstratie practica, in timp real, explicand in detaliu procesele si functionalitatile solutiei, in timp ce Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager a prezentat audientei portofoliul de solutii si servicii EVault. Postul România TV și-a schimbat astăzi sigla, după ce postul a fost atenționat de CNA să nu mai folosească una dintre variantele de sigle ce alternau pe ecran. Acum, pe post apare România TV , ca și până acum, dar cu un font puțin schimbat, ce alternează cu romaniatv.net

Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.

marți, 29 octombrie 2013

Romania 11.10.2013

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By then it was about time for our train to take us back to Rome. We saw our nice taxi driver again who asked us how our day had gone. We decided it had been amazing because we hadn't spent too much money (except for the taxi) we had been in one of the most beautiful places we'd ever been. I'd recommend it as a cheaper place to stay if you want to visit Monaco or Nice. From what we heard later Nice isn't as nice as Monaco, and probably more touristy and crowded than Ventimiglia.

Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.

Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 13 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 15-09-2013. Romania.org is proud to be the #1 web spot about Romania since almost 15 years. We are the first portal site ever set up on the global Internet, focussing exclusively on Romania- a land flowing with culture, fascinating history and wonderful landscapes. Since our start in 1996 we delivered billions of pages and currently serve with our group of sites more than 1.5 Million unique visitors per month.

members, particularly after 1972. The most famous of all was none other than Romanian former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation CouncilRomania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency) este agenția responsabila de activitațile de securitate informatica din cadrul Uniunii Europene, deservind atat instituțiile Uniunii Europene, cat și cele ale statelor membre. ENISA este un centru de expertiza care definește și promoveaza standardele de securitate informatica in Europa. TERENA (The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) este asociația rețelelor pentru educație și cercetare din Europa, ce ofera cadrul in care acestea, inoveaza șI schimba cunoștințe menite sa dezvolte tehnologiile, infrastructura și serviciile de acces la Internet folosite de comunitațile de cercetare și educație.

Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.

El a mai aratat ca acordul prevede continuarea cresterii venitului minim garantat in 2014 si introducerea unei alocatii pentru incalzirea de locuinte pentru categoriile defavorizate.In ceea ce priveste programul de privatizari, seful Executivului a subliniat ca nu exista privatizari majoritare."Este vorba despre listarea a 10% din Nuclearelectrica, 15% din Romgaz, 15% din Compania Energetica Oltenia si 10% din Hidroelectrica. E vorba de implicarea capitalului privat in companiile energetice la care statul ramane actionar, dar prin acest capital privat putem sa avem si un management mai performant si resurse pentru investitii in retehnologizare", a detaliat Ponta.

Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager la EVault este de parere ca “Romania devine un important centru IT regional. In acest context, dezvoltarea accelerata a pietei locale genereaza provocari pentru administratorii IT. Cu EVault, ei au acum posibilitatea de a alege solutia cea mai buna pentru organizatia lor, fie ca este vorba despre solutie de back-up la sediu sau intr-un data center extern”. Compania de asigurari GENERALI Romania este cel mai flexibil asigurator al anului. Distinctia a fost acordata joi, 3 octombrie, cu ocazia unei receptii organizate de catre brokerul AON. When I got caught I became happy. This liberation opened the way to working for the good side," Boanta said.

sâmbătă, 26 octombrie 2013

Romania Opens Museum On Dictator's Final Moments

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The Place of Culture can be found in Lasi City, which is also another tourist destination if you want to know more about the culture and history of Romania There are also several churches like the Trei Lerarhi Church as well as the Metropolitan Church. You can also take a relaxing stroll or a nice rest in the city's Botanical Garden. Horse exports have been growing, up about 10 percent from 2011 to 2012, with about 6,300 tons of horse, mule and donkey meat exported. Many of the horses were sold by private owners.

CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.

To many people, Romania would appear to be a tough place to live in. After all, it is a country, which went through a lot of hardship in the recent past, and is now trying hard to catch up with the rest of the developed world. The thing is, it has actually become easier to live in Romania at present. Life of the average Romanian is intimately involved with work. Romanians are busy people and begin their working day pretty early. They usually start off at seven in the morning and finish off by three in the afternoon.Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

Pork and lamb are preferred over beef in Romania and pork fat is used for cooking. For Christmas a pig is traditionally butchered by every family and a variety of recipes are used to prepare the meat. One of the popular dishes made from the liver and intestines of the pork is a long sausage called carnati. Another dish is piftie which is made from the feet, head, and the ears and is suspended in aspic. I have seen most of the country and in my travels around I have seen many more sheep and pigs grazing in fields than cattle.

Printre lucrurile care l-au socat intr-un fel s-a aflat si reclama TV la tigari. “Nu vazusem niciodata reclama la televizor pentru tigari. Cea pentru Marlboro, cam de patru minute, a fost chiar performanta cinematografica din punctul meu de vedere”, isi aminteste irlandezul. Ce l-a mai frapat in Romania, atunci cand a venit prima data, a fost faptul ca ranile Revolutiei erau inca proaspete. A fost eliberat in 1964, dar nu a mai fost niciodata la fel, si a murit in 1973. Comunisti au distrus multe vieti. Nu am reusit sa ne facem familie, ne-au distrus’. Am ramas mut”, isi mai aduce aminte Peter.

Cum sa gestionezi un atac asupra unei infrastructuri critice, ce soluții pentru protecția datelor pot fi folosite in sistemele de tip cloud, sau cum trebuie abordate problemele legate de amenințarile informatice care vizeaza telefoanele mobile au fost doar cateva dintre subiectele discutate in cadrul workshop-ului desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai, organizat de catre Agenția ARNIEC/RoEduNet in parteneriat cu ENISA. Printre participanții la aceste dezbateri s-au aflat oficiali din structurile naționale și guvernamentale (denumite (CERT- Computer Emergency Response Team ) care se ocupa de protecția instituțiilor conectate la rețelele nationale de comunicații și de asistența tehnica in tratarea incidentelor de securitate.

Autoritatile europene au luat aceasta decizie la solicitarea Ministerului italian al Sanatatii, care, conform site-ului de profil Il Fatto Alimentare, a transmis sesizari privind carnatii suspecti fabricati in Romania si privind alte zece produse, doua provenind din state membre UE – peste din Spania care ar contine mercur peste limita si suc de mere din Suedia cu continut mare de sulfiti. Rosu allura (E 129) este un colorant sintetic rosu-portocaliu folosit in dulciuri, bauturi, condimente, medicamente si produse cosmetice. La nivelul Uniunii Europene, colorantul sintetic E 129 este acceptat, dar nu este recomandat consumului de catre copii. Unele state – Danemarca, Belgia, Franta – au interzis acest colorant.

vineri, 25 octombrie 2013

Romanian Game Developers Association – Asociatie Dedicata Dezvoltatorilor De Jocuri Din Romania

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Detinem cea mai mare tabara din tara dedicata copiilor si tineretului. Tabara de la Navodari primeste in fiecare vara copii si tineri care se bucura de programe speciale coordonate de instructori experimentati, acces in baze sportive amenajate pentru jocuri de echipa sau individuale, programe culturale si de divertisment organizate pe scena teatrului de vara sau agrement pe plaja cu nisip fin. Le multumim inca data partenerilor nostri pentru aceasta apreciere si ii asiguram ca vom mentine si in viitor acelasi profesionalism in relatia cu ei. La receptie au fost prezenti invitati de marca, reprezentanti de varf ai Autoritatii de Supraveghere Financiara si ai top management-ului companiilor de asigurari.

This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.

Romanian economy is developing because of economic reforms. The main industries in Romania are textile and footwear one, metallurgic industry; light machines industry and machines parts assembling. Furthermore, in Romania there are mines and wood engineering factories. They also produce construction materials, chemical products, food and they refine oil. Other developing sectors in Romania are medicine industry, heavy machines one and home appliances industry. Nowadays, cars industry is developing too, as well as IT industry. We have told you about industry in order to let you know what living in Romania means nowadays. Thus, Romania has become a quite industrial country, agriculture suffering now from lack of work force especially.

Scandia Romana, producer of Sibiu and Bucegi pate brands posted a 76 percent increase in the turnover for 2005, up to some 38 million EUR, Bursa reports. The increased turnover has strengthened the company's leading position of the pate market, with a share of 56 percent. According to the company's management the most important increases were posted for Pate Sibiu, Pate Bucegi, Pate Poiana and Pate Sadu brands. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS) believes that the FDI volume attracted by Romania in 2005 represented a record, even if the privatization of the Romanian Commercial Bank will be cashed in this year.Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

Pork and lamb are preferred over beef in Romania and pork fat is used for cooking. For Christmas a pig is traditionally butchered by every family and a variety of recipes are used to prepare the meat. One of the popular dishes made from the liver and intestines of the pork is a long sausage called carnati. Another dish is piftie which is made from the feet, head, and the ears and is suspended in aspic. I have seen most of the country and in my travels around I have seen many more sheep and pigs grazing in fields than cattle.

Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.

An exciting discovery has been made in Venice, Italy in March of 2009. A team of archeologists was digging a gravesite on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, in Venice looking for some clues to the remains of plague victims in the middle ages, in 1576, when they serendipitously found a female skeleton with her mouth stuffed with a brick. What is exciting about this find is that it was the practice in the 1500's in Italy to stuff the mouth of a vampire with a brick. Borrini presented his findings to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver, Colorado.

But family life is of utmost importance to the average Romanian. A traditional Romanian family still sits down together at meal time. This is all more true in case of family businesses. The point of telling you all this is to let you understand that Romania has become an industrialized nation. In fact, agriculture is suffering there, as a large part of the agricultural work force has moved to industry. However, people here are quite a friendly sort. They like hanging out with their friends over beer, coffee, or wine. They also like chatting with the women.

Anastasia Soare a revenit in Romania pentru un eveniment in cadrul salonului sau de cosmetica din centrul Bucurestiului si, cu aceasta ocazie, a fost invitata in studioul WOWbiz pentru a analiza forma sprancenelor adoptata de vedetele din Romania. Concluzia generala a fost ca romancele au tendinta de a-si subtia prea mult sprancenele, in conditiile in care, daca ar face contrariul, le-ar pune mai bine in evidenta ochii frumosi. Anastasia Soare este denumita Regina Sprancenelor Romanca a emigrat din Romania si a revolutionat conceptul estetic al vedetelor de la Hollywood pe care le-a convins sa renunte la sprancenele naturale. Iata povestea ei, pe scurt, prin propriile cuvinte.

marți, 22 octombrie 2013

Proprietarii AutoItalia Vor Sa Preia Importurile Subaru In Romania

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Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.

Introducing Nicolae Ceausescu, the reigning worst dictator in the history of Europe. A pig on all counts, this man treated Romania as his personal fiefdom through much of the twentieth century. While leading the country into economic ruin, he built lavish estates for he and his wife. While Romanians starved on the streets, he and his wife spent money like Joan Collins at a plastic surgeon. When he was finally expelled from office, the people were so outraged by his excess that he and his wife were literally stoned to death.

PS. Citesc Jurnalul Rusesc al Annei Politkovskaya
Dacă unsingur OM a avut puterea și curajul să lupte doar cu un pix și hârtie împotrivaKremlinului lui Putin atunci protestele din Piață nu sunt în zadar. AnnaPolitkovskaya este un alt nume pentru curaj și demnitate. A fost ucisă cu unpistol într- scară de bloc. Opera ei este însă mai vie ca niciodată și moartean-a făcut decât să răspândească. Într- Rusie adormită și cu presă redusăla tăcere Politkovskaya a refuzat să mergă la culcare și a luptat prin scrispână la moarte. Jurnaliștilor care au semnat pactul tăcerii ar trebui să le deade gândit.

L-am invitat sa spuna si ce-l enerveaza la Romania si a mentionat autostrada Bechtel, avioanele multi-rol si modul in care sunt acordate subventiile pentru agricultori. “Nu ar trebui sa le spun, le stiti deja. Unul se numeste autostrada Bechtel. Altul ar fi cele 638 de milioane de euro cheltuite pentru 12 avioane de vanatoare la mana a doua care au nevoie de modernizare. Ar mai si faptul ca un fermier cu mie de hectare primeste subventie de mie de ori mai mare decat cel cu un hectar. Pun pariu ca fermierul cu un hectar transpira mai mult”, a spus Peter.

Trei luni mai tarziu, un fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin m-a sunat sa-mi povesteasca despre Romania si de planul lui de a porni firma de consultanta in marketing, ceea ce faceam impreuna in Irlanda pana atunci. Am venit fara sa stau pe ganduri. Nu uitasem nici unde exact se afla Romania pe harta. Asa ca pot sa zic ca eram setat sa locuiesc pe termen lung in Romania, inca dinainte de a ajunge aici. Lucrurile au mers de la sine, firma a crescut si niciodata nu m-am uitat inapoi”, isi aminteste Peter inceputurile sale alaturi de Mercury Romania.

De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.

As Lane Scheppele points out, it is hardly coincidental that the country has just fallen back (Spain style) into a double dip recession following a very sharp drop in output in 2009/10. Despite having received an initial 20 billion euro EU/IMF rescue loan in 2009 and a further 5 billion "top up" one in 2011 the economy still struggles to find air. The country's economy plunged by 6.6% in 2009, only to fall by another 1.6% in 2010. Thus GDP is still below the pre crisis peak - at levels first seen towards the end of 2008 and moving backwards in time.

Infineon is also working with the University Politehnica of Bucharest to develop master-level programs, as they are planning for about 60 additional developers to be hired in Bucharest during the course of this year. Still, BCP's interest in Romania does not look towards the comming Romania savings bank, CEC. BCP's chairman quoted it as being "out of the question". In my opinion, one of the reasons for BCP's interest in Romania might be the powerfully emerging real-estate market, as BCP is comming with a very good experience from the Portugese market.

The National Statistics Institute announced for the first nine months of last year a rhythm of economic growh of 3,6 percent, as compared to 4,9 percent after the first quarter and over eight percent for the January-September period in 2004. Austrian group Julius Meinl Industrie Holding GMBH, the producer of Julius Meinl coffee brand, last autumn acquired Novo SRL, a company headquartered in Targu Secuiesc, Covasna county. There are already several Julius Meinl coffee shops in Bucharest, but, according to Dobri, these are not franchises, as they are only using the firm's brand. Julius Meinl Romania also targets an expanded distribution area and higher visibility at the seaside this year.

sâmbătă, 19 octombrie 2013

Antena 1 Premiata De Superbrands Romania

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There is an old town here that you can visit if you want a taste of history as well as culture. Likewise, there is also the Citadel of Sibiu and the Huet Square for you to see. You can also see many fortified churches during the Medieval Period that are still standing. This city is home to many museums such as the National Museum of History and Archeology, which houses artifacts dating from the Greek and Roman eras. You can also find here the Statue of Ovid. If you want more of nature, then this is a great place to sunbath in its beaches or walk in its parks.

More and more wine is produced now in Romania In the past religious influences and fifty years of political isolation from market influences kept it from being so. Romanian brandy made with plums grown there is considered to be a national spirit drink and is called tulca. The meal ends with coffee, the strong thick Turkish style coffee served with dulceata which are soft candies made with apples, plums, or raisins or figs that have been stewed, thickened and rolled into balls, coated with nuts and dipped in rum or other alcohol.

Shahmir holds degrees in economics and finance from the London School of Economics and the London Business School, as well as an MBA from the University of Karachi. Real estate sources say that the company rented, at the end of last year, two floors of an office building near Piata Universitatii. The number of employees may reach 600 specialists, sources on the market say. The top of economic growth is taken by China with 8-9 percent, followed by India, 6 – 7 percent, Russia and Brazil 5–6 percent. Finally, 14 percent of new-model phones in 2008 are estimated to contain Wi-Fi links, up from less than 1 percent in 2004.

Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.

Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.

Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.

PlayaTour agentia ta de turism

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Republica Dominicana este destinatie aparte atat prin peisajele intalnite, prin bucataria exotica si apreciata, prin valoarea artistica oferita, dar si prin multitudinea posibilitatilor de petrecere a timpului liber odata ajunsi aici, trebuie sa vizitati principalele atractii ale Republicii Dominicane pe care in cele ce urmeaza vom incerca sa le descoperim impreuna. Pe langa cluburile situate in incinta luxoaselor hoteluri, in Punta Cana exista numeroase cluburi si discoteci frecventate atat de turisti, cat si de localnicii extrem de primitori Daca ajungeti in Punta Cana, nu ratati petrecerile de la plaja.
Aici aveti ocazia sa gustati cele mai bune cocktail-uri preparate cu fructe proaspat culese.
In ceea ce priveste cazarea poti pota pentru salba de hoteluri prezente in aceasta statiune cum ar fi: barcelo dominican beach un hotel de 4 stele.

Rezervarea de locuri de cazare, hoteluri, facuta cu agenti locali, este poveste veche si demult uitata. În era din zilele noastre, web-ul poate fi utilzat pentru a afla date arhisuficiente despre resorturi diferite situate într- anumita zona. Aceste informatii va pot fi de ajutor fara prea destul de mult efort si sa faceti rezervarea optima intr-un hotel optim. Fie ca scrii in motorul de cautare “ oferte cancun ” sau sejur Republica dominicana, cazare punta cana sau alte expresii acesta iti va returna doar solutii bune si in acest fel vei beneficia de cele mai de calitate oferte de pret in cele mai de calitate hoteluri.
Profitati acum de ofertele puse la dispozitie de PlayaTour.

Republica Dominicana este destinatie aparte atat prin peisajele intalnite, prin bucataria exotica si apreciata, prin valoarea artistica oferita, dar si prin multitudinea posibilitatilor de petrecere a timpului liber. odata ajunsi aici, trebuie sa vizitati principalele atractii ale Republicii Dominicane pe care in cele ce urmeaza vom incerca sa le descoperim impreuna. Pe langa cluburile situate in incinta luxoaselor hoteluri, in Punta Cana exista numeroase cluburi si discoteci frecventate atat de turisti, cat si de localnicii extrem de primitori. Daca ajungeti in Punta Cana, nu ratati petrecerile de la plaja. Aici aveti ocazia sa gustati cele mai bune cocktail-uri preparate cu fructe proaspat culese.

vineri, 18 octombrie 2013

România În Genunchi?

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The two main characteristics of the modern day vampires as we know from Eastern European folklore is blood sucking and the creatures ability to transcend death. The theme of the "undead" adds to the horror of the vampire nonhuman identity. Depending upon the culture vampires could be dark and hooded, pale, have long talons, or fanged teeth etc. Furthermore how the vampire came into being also varies with cultures, in European history we know to be bitten by a vampire is how to become one (remember the Dracula Hollywood movies). In Chinese folklore, if an animal jumped over a corpse it was feared that it would become the "Undead".

Romania is a beautiful little country in Eastern Europe in the Balkan region. While living and working there over the years, I have eaten and enjoyed many delicious meals. Meal time in Romania is a very special time. Family and friends come together and may linger long after a meal is over in deep conversation. When visiting homes anywhere in Romania the people are friendly and warm and always there is an invitation to share their food. Cifrele sunt anuntate in premiera in newsletter-ul Social Media + Events si apoi pe acest blog. Sper sa le gasiti in continuare utile.

ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency) este agenția responsabila de activitațile de securitate informatica din cadrul Uniunii Europene, deservind atat instituțiile Uniunii Europene, cat și cele ale statelor membre. ENISA este un centru de expertiza care definește și promoveaza standardele de securitate informatica in Europa. TERENA (The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) este asociația rețelelor pentru educație și cercetare din Europa, ce ofera cadrul in care acestea, inoveaza șI schimba cunoștințe menite sa dezvolte tehnologiile, infrastructura și serviciile de acces la Internet folosite de comunitațile de cercetare și educație.

Cum s-a ajuns aici. La începutul lunii august, Tribunalul București a decis să suspende folosirea, de către România TV, a mărcii RTV. Măsura este valabilă până la soluționarea irevocabilă a unui alt dosar în care România TV și Realitatea TV se judecă pentru paternitatea mărcii RTV, după cum paginademedia.ro a scris AICI Clasamentul domeniilor promovate de afiliati este condus de magazinele online si advertiserii din Fashion, cu 54%. Electronice (52%), IT&C (48%), Carti (39%) si Cosmetice (39) sunt si ele domenii de top in preferintele afiliatilor. Infograficul Afilierea in Romania – 2013 a fost realizat in colaborare cu SilkWeb, companie ce ofera comerciantilor online platforma de e-commerce SilkMartRomania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

Last year, the total foreign direct investments amounted to 5.18 billion euros, but the 0.3% difference is irrelevant since the data for 2005 is provisional, according to ARIS. The structure of foreign investments in Romania will considerably change in the years to follow as the state capital still to be privatized is running low Greenfield investments will have an increasingly more important share in the structure of foreign direct investments as the rate of privatizations slows down. Shahmir Khaliq first joined Citigroup in 1991, and has held various senior positions within the Corporate and Investment Bank. In 2000, Shahmir was appointed to the management committee for Citigroup Pakistan.

RĂZVAN SUMA este unul dintre cei mai activi tineri muzicieni români, cu un repertoriu cuprinzător, realizat în sute de recitaluri şi concerte susţinute în întreaga lume. În anul 2000, Răzvan Suma a obţinut diploma de licenţă a Universităţii de Muzică din Bucureşti la clasa maestrului Marin Cazacu, iar în 2002 a început programul de perfecţionare „Artist Diploma” la Longy School of Music – Cambridge - Statele Unite. Concursurile de mare prestigiu ca „Giovanni Batista Viotti” - Italia, „Markneukirchen” – Germania sau „Villa de Llanes” - Spania sunt doar câteva dintre cele mai importante câştigate de Răzvan Suma.

To many people, Romania would appear to be a tough place to live in. After all, it is a country, which went through a lot of hardship in the recent past, and is now trying hard to catch up with the rest of the developed world. The thing is, it has actually become easier to live in Romania at present. Life of the average Romanian is intimately involved with work. Romanians are busy people and begin their working day pretty early. They usually start off at seven in the morning and finish off by three in the afternoon.

Horse crap!" he said, as he trimmed a mutton carcass. "The French just want to denigrate us. The British? They are even worse." But Craciun is pained at the way horses in Romania are frequently seen as fit only for the slaughterhouse. He said he paid twice what the local abattoir was offering to secure his first horse and now owns 14, eight of which he rescued from the slaughterhouse. BUCHAREST Aug 28 (Reuters) - Romania will begin the initialpublic offering of a 10 percent stake in state-owned nuclearpower producer Nuclearelectrica on Sept. 9, a governmentofficial was quoted as saying.

Tot retelele sociale sunt preferate de afiliati la capitolul canale online folosite in marketingul afiliat , intr- proportie de 54%. Blogurile personale si site-urile de continut de nisa completeaza acest Top 3. Cat se castiga prin afiliere Cei mai multi afiliati castiga lunar sub 100 de lei, insa 5% dintre ei reusesc sa obtina in fiecare luna mai bine de 2.500 de lei prin aceasta metoda de promovare online, mult peste valoarea salariului mediu din Romania. Aproape un sfert dintre respondenti se bazeaza exclusiv pe castigurile din afiliere si nu au alte surse de venit.

marți, 15 octombrie 2013

Romania Nu Este Panama !

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Romania a ales sa fie anul acesta gazda celor doua evenimente, in contextul dezvoltarii din ultimii ani a relațiilor de cooperare intre instituțiile de profil din țara și cele existente deja la nivel european. Este prima data cand Romania pașește in fața, asumandu-și rolul de gazda și de partener de incredere al partenerilor europeni mai ales in contextul in care numarul atacurilor informatice in care au fost implicate entitați din Romania a crescut in ultimii ani”, a declarat Manuel Șubredu, coordonator al RoCSIRT, serviciul de tip CERT al Agenției ARNIEC / RoEduNet, co-organizator al evenimentelor.

Cei din stradă sunt dintre cei care s-au trezit. Pentru eistatul nu este întreprindere paternă ci mai degrabă un partener. Un partenercăruia îi plătesc taxe și îl mandatează astfel să gestioneze organizarea viețiicolective. Cei din stradă nu mai sunt dispuși decât la relație echitabilă custatul. Doar că statul( a se citi guvernele) ne-a înșelat în repetate rânduri șiasta a devenit inacceptabil pentru continuarea relației. Și pentru asta semărșăluiește in fiecare duminică printre blocurile care moțăie filial în fațatelevizoarelor unde nu se transmit imagini cu cei 20000 de mii care tocmai trecpe sub balconul tău. În definitiv ce poate fi mai orwellian

Când ne-am încolonat ca să plecăm pe traseul stabilit nu-micredeam ochilor câtă lume se adunase. Cu oră înainte de-abia eram mie deoameni și acum bătea ușor peste trei mii( vă invit să mă credeți pentru că amvăzut de pe diverse scene de la trei sute la patruzeci de mii de oameni).Pentru că eram pe bicicletă m-am alăturat “cavaleriei ușoare” împreună cuprietenii mei. La finalul marșului cred că erau peste trei sute de bicicliști. Estememorabil și din câte știu a devenit un leit-motiv momentul in care bicicliștiipedalează la nesfârșit în jurul rondului de la Universitate ca și cum victoriaeste deja adjudecată.Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.

Pe de- parte este clasa voastra politica care nu poate exista fara sa-si bata joc de propriul electorat Pe de alta parte, Romania nu are prieteni si asta din mai multe motive. Primul ar fi clasa politica de care vorbeam mai sus, care va creeaza un renume prost. Apoi ar fi motivul istoric. Romania nu a avut niciodata prieteni, doar vecini care au vrut sa foloseasca. Asa ca sunteti ca un copil al nimanui”, spune irlandezul. Insa asezarile in care exista entitati eoliene isi rezolva multe din problemele de dezvoltare, iar dezvoltarea agriculturii nu est impiedicata in nici un fel.

By then it was about time for our train to take us back to Rome. We saw our nice taxi driver again who asked us how our day had gone. We decided it had been amazing because we hadn't spent too much money (except for the taxi) we had been in one of the most beautiful places we'd ever been. I'd recommend it as a cheaper place to stay if you want to visit Monaco or Nice. From what we heard later Nice isn't as nice as Monaco, and probably more touristy and crowded than Ventimiglia.

duminică, 13 octombrie 2013

Cannes Film Festival 2012 Winners

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members, particularly after 1972. The most famous of all was none other than Romanian former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation Council

Multumiri speciale merg din partea noastra catre toti cei care au completat chestionarului si au contribuit la popularizarea marketingului afiliat in Romania. Mizam in continuare pe sprijinul vostru prin impartasirea acestui infografic, puteti apela inclusiv la butoanele de share de mai jos. Notificarea privind lotul de carnati fabricati in Romania a fost introdusa pe 3 octombrie in Sistemul European Rapid de Alerta pentru Alimente si Furaje (RASFF) la pozitia 18. Autoritatile europene au blocat astfel comercializarea in spatiul comunitar a unui lot de carnati afumati din carne de porc, fabricati in Romania, care ar contine colorantul E 129 (rosu allura) in proportie de 1,2 mg/kg.

Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.

The National Statistics Institute announced for the first nine months of last year a rhythm of economic growh of 3,6 percent, as compared to 4,9 percent after the first quarter and over eight percent for the January-September period in 2004. Austrian group Julius Meinl Industrie Holding GMBH, the producer of Julius Meinl coffee brand, last autumn acquired Novo SRL, a company headquartered in Targu Secuiesc, Covasna county. There are already several Julius Meinl coffee shops in Bucharest, but, according to Dobri, these are not franchises, as they are only using the firm's brand. Julius Meinl Romania also targets an expanded distribution area and higher visibility at the seaside this year.Romania,blogarea de succes,cum sa-ti faci un blog,incalzirea pentru iarna,femei perfecte,scrisoare pentru suflet

Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ruled over the vast British Empire from 1837 to 1901, which at sixty three years is a longer reign than any other British monarch. When she died, her legacy was not only political or historical -it was also familial. Through the marriages of her nine children and forty grandchildren, her descendants now number in the thousands and make up the vast majority of current European monarchs. This is a compilation of her descendants who have gone on to reign as monarchs or consorts (the spouses of monarchs), just as she did.

Anastasia Soare a revenit in Romania pentru un eveniment in cadrul salonului sau de cosmetica din centrul Bucurestiului si, cu aceasta ocazie, a fost invitata in studioul WOWbiz pentru a analiza forma sprancenelor adoptata de vedetele din Romania. Concluzia generala a fost ca romancele au tendinta de a-si subtia prea mult sprancenele, in conditiile in care, daca ar face contrariul, le-ar pune mai bine in evidenta ochii frumosi. Anastasia Soare este denumita Regina Sprancenelor Romanca a emigrat din Romania si a revolutionat conceptul estetic al vedetelor de la Hollywood pe care le-a convins sa renunte la sprancenele naturale. Iata povestea ei, pe scurt, prin propriile cuvinte.

Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.

CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.

A journey of a few hours by car or train can take you from the Danube River to a beautiful, intact, medieval town in Transylvania ; from Bucharest - Romania's capital city - to the as you visit one of the world’s famous painted monasteries in Bucovina, the ancient, hilltop citadel in Sighisoara or an authentic, centuries-old, folkloric village in Maramures. UCAC Romania provides Prospective students wishing to apply to study in any Romanian University information and services to apply through and follow the process of their admission step by step.