Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
Introducing Nicolae Ceausescu, the reigning worst dictator in the history of Europe. A pig on all counts, this man treated Romania as his personal fiefdom through much of the twentieth century. While leading the country into economic ruin, he built lavish estates for he and his wife. While Romanians starved on the streets, he and his wife spent money like Joan Collins at a plastic surgeon. When he was finally expelled from office, the people were so outraged by his excess that he and his wife were literally stoned to death.
PS. Citesc Jurnalul Rusesc al Annei Politkovskaya
Dacă unsingur OM a avut puterea și curajul să lupte doar cu un pix și hârtie împotrivaKremlinului lui Putin atunci protestele din Piață nu sunt în zadar. AnnaPolitkovskaya este un alt nume pentru curaj și demnitate. A fost ucisă cu unpistol într- scară de bloc. Opera ei este însă mai vie ca niciodată și moartean-a făcut decât să răspândească. Într- Rusie adormită și cu presă redusăla tăcere Politkovskaya a refuzat să mergă la culcare și a luptat prin scrispână la moarte. Jurnaliștilor care au semnat pactul tăcerii ar trebui să le deade gândit.
L-am invitat sa spuna si ce-l enerveaza la Romania si a mentionat autostrada Bechtel, avioanele multi-rol si modul in care sunt acordate subventiile pentru agricultori. “Nu ar trebui sa le spun, le stiti deja. Unul se numeste autostrada Bechtel. Altul ar fi cele 638 de milioane de euro cheltuite pentru 12 avioane de vanatoare la mana a doua care au nevoie de modernizare. Ar mai si faptul ca un fermier cu mie de hectare primeste subventie de mie de ori mai mare decat cel cu un hectar. Pun pariu ca fermierul cu un hectar transpira mai mult”, a spus Peter.
Trei luni mai tarziu, un fost coleg de serviciu din Dublin m-a sunat sa-mi povesteasca despre Romania si de planul lui de a porni firma de consultanta in marketing, ceea ce faceam impreuna in Irlanda pana atunci. Am venit fara sa stau pe ganduri. Nu uitasem nici unde exact se afla Romania pe harta. Asa ca pot sa zic ca eram setat sa locuiesc pe termen lung in Romania, inca dinainte de a ajunge aici. Lucrurile au mers de la sine, firma a crescut si niciodata nu m-am uitat inapoi”, isi aminteste Peter inceputurile sale alaturi de Mercury Romania.
De ce sunt mii de caini vagabonzi in Romania? Pentru ca sunteti oameni cu suflet si va este mila de ei. Niciun alt popor din Europa nu i-ar tolera. Sunteti cei mai sufletisti oameni din Europa pe care ii cunosc. Si nu de azi sau ieri. Asa este neamul vostru construit. De aia toti oportunistii, majoritatea fiind compusa din romani, isi bat joc de voi, pornind de la puterea politica si continuand pe toate filierele imaginabile”, mai spune irlandezul. In plus, parlamentul Romaniei a emis in 2008 legea de promovare a energiei verzi din surse neconventionale (vant, soare, biomasa, microhidrocentrale) impreuna cu un set de stimulente pentru producatorii respectivi.
As Lane Scheppele points out, it is hardly coincidental that the country has just fallen back (Spain style) into a double dip recession following a very sharp drop in output in 2009/10. Despite having received an initial 20 billion euro EU/IMF rescue loan in 2009 and a further 5 billion "top up" one in 2011 the economy still struggles to find air. The country's economy plunged by 6.6% in 2009, only to fall by another 1.6% in 2010. Thus GDP is still below the pre crisis peak - at levels first seen towards the end of 2008 and moving backwards in time.
Infineon is also working with the University Politehnica of Bucharest to develop master-level programs, as they are planning for about 60 additional developers to be hired in Bucharest during the course of this year. Still, BCP's interest in Romania does not look towards the comming Romania savings bank, CEC. BCP's chairman quoted it as being "out of the question". In my opinion, one of the reasons for BCP's interest in Romania might be the powerfully emerging real-estate market, as BCP is comming with a very good experience from the Portugese market.
The National Statistics Institute announced for the first nine months of last year a rhythm of economic growh of 3,6 percent, as compared to 4,9 percent after the first quarter and over eight percent for the January-September period in 2004. Austrian group Julius Meinl Industrie Holding GMBH, the producer of Julius Meinl coffee brand, last autumn acquired Novo SRL, a company headquartered in Targu Secuiesc, Covasna county. There are already several Julius Meinl coffee shops in Bucharest, but, according to Dobri, these are not franchises, as they are only using the firm's brand. Julius Meinl Romania also targets an expanded distribution area and higher visibility at the seaside this year.
marți, 22 octombrie 2013
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