Study reveals that trovants can be formed only in large deposits of highly porous sand along with the presence of certain mineral carbonates. The growth of the stone happens when a chemical reaction sets in between the layers of sand and the mineral carbonates in the presence of rain water. As the reaction proceeds, it forms layers over the inner rock core. The rock thus appears to grow as layers of the sand and mineral carbonate product deposit at a rate of 4-5 cm in 1200 years. Samples of trovants are kept on display at the Trovant Museum in Costesti, in the Valcea region of Romania.
Va uram vizionare placuta si va asteptam aici in a 13 a editie din 2013 cu lista de castigatori si numerele extrase la Bingo Romania 15-09-2013. is proud to be the #1 web spot about Romania since almost 15 years. We are the first portal site ever set up on the global Internet, focussing exclusively on Romania- a land flowing with culture, fascinating history and wonderful landscapes. Since our start in 1996 we delivered billions of pages and currently serve with our group of sites more than 1.5 Million unique visitors per month.
members, particularly after 1972. The most famous of all was none other than Romanian former dictator Nicolae Ceausescu
For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation Council
ENISA (The European Network and Information Security Agency) este agenția responsabila de activitațile de securitate informatica din cadrul Uniunii Europene, deservind atat instituțiile Uniunii Europene, cat și cele ale statelor membre. ENISA este un centru de expertiza care definește și promoveaza standardele de securitate informatica in Europa. TERENA (The Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association) este asociația rețelelor pentru educație și cercetare din Europa, ce ofera cadrul in care acestea, inoveaza șI schimba cunoștințe menite sa dezvolte tehnologiile, infrastructura și serviciile de acces la Internet folosite de comunitațile de cercetare și educație.
Another Austrian investment comes to in Romania, as semiconductor company Infineon Technologies has opened a new development centre in the Romanian capital, Bucharest. Initially the centre will house 60 developers who will concentrate on security controllers for chip cards as well as power semiconductors with analogue and digital functions for use in automotive and industrial applications. The activities in Bucharest are being managed by Infineon Technologies Romania SRL, which was founded in April 2005 as a subsidiary of Infineon Technologies Austria AG. Chip design, software development, and verification of these products represent the main focal points of the development efforts in Bucharest.
El a mai aratat ca acordul prevede continuarea cresterii venitului minim garantat in 2014 si introducerea unei alocatii pentru incalzirea de locuinte pentru categoriile defavorizate.In ceea ce priveste programul de privatizari, seful Executivului a subliniat ca nu exista privatizari majoritare."Este vorba despre listarea a 10% din Nuclearelectrica, 15% din Romgaz, 15% din Compania Energetica Oltenia si 10% din Hidroelectrica. E vorba de implicarea capitalului privat in companiile energetice la care statul ramane actionar, dar prin acest capital privat putem sa avem si un management mai performant si resurse pentru investitii in retehnologizare", a detaliat Ponta.
Eduards Putra, Channel Sales Manager la EVault este de parere ca “Romania devine un important centru IT regional. In acest context, dezvoltarea accelerata a pietei locale genereaza provocari pentru administratorii IT. Cu EVault, ei au acum posibilitatea de a alege solutia cea mai buna pentru organizatia lor, fie ca este vorba despre solutie de back-up la sediu sau intr-un data center extern”. Compania de asigurari GENERALI Romania este cel mai flexibil asigurator al anului. Distinctia a fost acordata joi, 3 octombrie, cu ocazia unei receptii organizate de catre brokerul AON. When I got caught I became happy. This liberation opened the way to working for the good side," Boanta said.
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