For years, he was dubbed as "country's first hunter", a title he acquired after claiming many trophy animals including world record European brown bear, but the sportsmanship of his methods is subject to debate and generally shunned upon. In total it is estimated that Ceauşescu received a total of 270 gold medals, 114 silver medals and 34 bronze medals according to CIC ( Conseil International de la Chasse et de la Conservation du Gibier - International Hunting and Game Conservation Council
Multumiri speciale merg din partea noastra catre toti cei care au completat chestionarului si au contribuit la popularizarea marketingului afiliat in Romania. Mizam in continuare pe sprijinul vostru prin impartasirea acestui infografic, puteti apela inclusiv la butoanele de share de mai jos. Notificarea privind lotul de carnati fabricati in Romania a fost introdusa pe 3 octombrie in Sistemul European Rapid de Alerta pentru Alimente si Furaje (RASFF) la pozitia 18. Autoritatile europene au blocat astfel comercializarea in spatiul comunitar a unui lot de carnati afumati din carne de porc, fabricati in Romania, care ar contine colorantul E 129 (rosu allura) in proportie de 1,2 mg/kg.
Some of the traditional Romanian dishes are stuffed cabbage leaves known in the Romanian language as sarmale. Other vegetables cooked and served are stuffed bell peppers (ardei umpluti); green beans (fasole verde); carrots sote (sote de morcovi); roasted peppers (ardei copti); eggplant salad (salata de vinete); and tomato salad (salata de rosii). Potatoes are popular in Romania and are served very often. They are cheap to buy and are sold everywhere in the fall, both in markets and along the streets and highways in front of private homes. There are vegetables and fruits of all kinds and many of them are raised in the country itself.
The National Statistics Institute announced for the first nine months of last year a rhythm of economic growh of 3,6 percent, as compared to 4,9 percent after the first quarter and over eight percent for the January-September period in 2004. Austrian group Julius Meinl Industrie Holding GMBH, the producer of Julius Meinl coffee brand, last autumn acquired Novo SRL, a company headquartered in Targu Secuiesc, Covasna county. There are already several Julius Meinl coffee shops in Bucharest, but, according to Dobri, these are not franchises, as they are only using the firm's brand. Julius Meinl Romania also targets an expanded distribution area and higher visibility at the seaside this year.
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ruled over the vast British Empire from 1837 to 1901, which at sixty three years is a longer reign than any other British monarch. When she died, her legacy was not only political or historical -it was also familial. Through the marriages of her nine children and forty grandchildren, her descendants now number in the thousands and make up the vast majority of current European monarchs. This is a compilation of her descendants who have gone on to reign as monarchs or consorts (the spouses of monarchs), just as she did.
Anastasia Soare a revenit in Romania pentru un eveniment in cadrul salonului sau de cosmetica din centrul Bucurestiului si, cu aceasta ocazie, a fost invitata in studioul WOWbiz pentru a analiza forma sprancenelor adoptata de vedetele din Romania. Concluzia generala a fost ca romancele au tendinta de a-si subtia prea mult sprancenele, in conditiile in care, daca ar face contrariul, le-ar pune mai bine in evidenta ochii frumosi. Anastasia Soare este denumita Regina Sprancenelor Romanca a emigrat din Romania si a revolutionat conceptul estetic al vedetelor de la Hollywood pe care le-a convins sa renunte la sprancenele naturale. Iata povestea ei, pe scurt, prin propriile cuvinte.
Romanians know how to enjoy their leisure time. During public holidays and on weekends, you will see a lot of people spending their free time with family and friends. However, the hectic schedule of an industrialized society is gradually taking its toll on the easygoing lifestyle of Romania People tend to get more tired and short of time these days. They also find themselves lonelier with time. Life in the 21st century can be demanding, and the old ways of living are bound to disappear slowly but surely. This unfortunate scenario is not limited to Romania , but is common everywhere else in Europe or the rest of the world.
CERTs in Europe”, cel de-al optulea workshop anual al ENISA – Partea I, s-a desfașurat in perioada 21 – 22 mai 2013 la București, la hotelul Radisson Blu. Evenimentul a constat in furnizarea de exerciții și programe de training personalizate pentru experții CERT. The 39 th TF-CSIRT meeting – un eveniment organizat la București in perioada 23 – 24 mai 2013 la hotelul Radisson Blu – este unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente internaționale in domeniul securitații informatice. SIEU SFANTU, Romania (AP) — The name of his farm translates roughly as "Saving Horses from Wolves." But for Simion Craciun, the real predators are from the nearby slaughterhouse.
A journey of a few hours by car or train can take you from the Danube River to a beautiful, intact, medieval town in Transylvania ; from Bucharest - Romania's capital city - to the as you visit one of the world’s famous painted monasteries in Bucovina, the ancient, hilltop citadel in Sighisoara or an authentic, centuries-old, folkloric village in Maramures. UCAC Romania provides Prospective students wishing to apply to study in any Romanian University information and services to apply through and follow the process of their admission step by step.
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