This is not in par with the other cities but still a good place to visit nonetheless. Along the way to Gura Humorului, do not forget to drop by Bucovina to see the Painted Monasteries. You can also go to Voronet where you and your loved one will surely enjoy a leisurely walk where the landscape is a great sight to behold. Even in a country where the horse is a national symbol, such concern for their welfare is rare. In tough economic times, some Romanians are selling their horses to slaughterhouses because they can't afford to keep them.
Romanian economy is developing because of economic reforms. The main industries in Romania are textile and footwear one, metallurgic industry; light machines industry and machines parts assembling. Furthermore, in Romania there are mines and wood engineering factories. They also produce construction materials, chemical products, food and they refine oil. Other developing sectors in Romania are medicine industry, heavy machines one and home appliances industry. Nowadays, cars industry is developing too, as well as IT industry. We have told you about industry in order to let you know what living in Romania means nowadays. Thus, Romania has become a quite industrial country, agriculture suffering now from lack of work force especially.
Scandia Romana, producer of Sibiu and Bucegi pate brands posted a 76 percent increase in the turnover for 2005, up to some 38 million EUR, Bursa reports. The increased turnover has strengthened the company's leading position of the pate market, with a share of 56 percent. According to the company's management the most important increases were posted for Pate Sibiu, Pate Bucegi, Pate Poiana and Pate Sadu brands. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments (ARIS) believes that the FDI volume attracted by Romania in 2005 represented a record, even if the privatization of the Romanian Commercial Bank will be cashed in this year.
Pork and lamb are preferred over beef in Romania and pork fat is used for cooking. For Christmas a pig is traditionally butchered by every family and a variety of recipes are used to prepare the meat. One of the popular dishes made from the liver and intestines of the pork is a long sausage called carnati. Another dish is piftie which is made from the feet, head, and the ears and is suspended in aspic. I have seen most of the country and in my travels around I have seen many more sheep and pigs grazing in fields than cattle.
Sometime around 6am our train pulled into a really run-down dirty looking station. Figured we had to get stuck in the dumpiest looking place. The train station had many buses that were going to Nice or Monaco, but none of them could guarantee us a ride back. We sat on the steps of the train station looking down a street that had some shops. It reminded me of Romania, or maybe a little beach town in Florida. There were some palm trees and really nice yellow and orange stucco buildings. We looked on a map and saw the Monaco was only 7 miles away. Perhaps we could walk there.
An exciting discovery has been made in Venice, Italy in March of 2009. A team of archeologists was digging a gravesite on the island of Lazzaretto Nuovo, in Venice looking for some clues to the remains of plague victims in the middle ages, in 1576, when they serendipitously found a female skeleton with her mouth stuffed with a brick. What is exciting about this find is that it was the practice in the 1500's in Italy to stuff the mouth of a vampire with a brick. Borrini presented his findings to the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Denver, Colorado.
But family life is of utmost importance to the average Romanian. A traditional Romanian family still sits down together at meal time. This is all more true in case of family businesses. The point of telling you all this is to let you understand that Romania has become an industrialized nation. In fact, agriculture is suffering there, as a large part of the agricultural work force has moved to industry. However, people here are quite a friendly sort. They like hanging out with their friends over beer, coffee, or wine. They also like chatting with the women.
Anastasia Soare a revenit in Romania pentru un eveniment in cadrul salonului sau de cosmetica din centrul Bucurestiului si, cu aceasta ocazie, a fost invitata in studioul WOWbiz pentru a analiza forma sprancenelor adoptata de vedetele din Romania. Concluzia generala a fost ca romancele au tendinta de a-si subtia prea mult sprancenele, in conditiile in care, daca ar face contrariul, le-ar pune mai bine in evidenta ochii frumosi. Anastasia Soare este denumita Regina Sprancenelor Romanca a emigrat din Romania si a revolutionat conceptul estetic al vedetelor de la Hollywood pe care le-a convins sa renunte la sprancenele naturale. Iata povestea ei, pe scurt, prin propriile cuvinte.
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wtf did I just read o.O!
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